Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Holiday Prep Week: Make your hummus better than ever, and way early.

Keep Lebanese traditions alive this holiday season! Here's my Holiday Prep list so everything comes out great.

~ Hummus is your Holiday Helper ~

How is your mini-Thanksgiving menu plan coming along? We divvied up who's making what this weekend (I know, no time to lose!). Peg and I fought over who gets to make the sweet potatoes. To stretch out the cooking fun, and to make things easy as holidays approach, we're making ahead whatever we can when we eke out a few minutes as we go.

That includes the quick bites and apps that can be set effortlessly in the moment they're needed.

Enter Hummus. This chickpea-based puree serves as a spread, a base for other good things on top, and of course, a dip. Your hummus is going to be the best ever this season: smooth, luscious, [healthy], and READY when you are. Hummus stays great for at least a week in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Just be sure to allow the hummus to warm up to room temp (or microwave for a quick hit) and stir well before topping and serving.

Scroll down for more tips on getting your holiday hummus prep on!


~ The Chickpeas ~

Hummus is the Arabic word for, you guessed it!, chickpeas. This basis of hummus bi tahini (pureed chickpeas with tahini) is a humble but essential ingredient. Note the following:

  • Chickpeas have a thin skin on them that, while fiber-rich, does a detriment to those of us seeking ultra smooth, luscious hummus. If you've blitzed your chickpeas to no end and still end up with grainy hummus, this is why.
  • For super-smooth effect, the skins have got to go. Remove them from cooked or canned chickpeas by warming the legume in a pan with a little baking soda. Then plunge them into a huge bowl of water, agitating and pinching the skins off.
  • Time saver: pre-peeled chickpeas. I love them so much that they inspired me to launch the online shop, so I could share them with you. They are a treasure, and we can't keep them on the shelves! The Smooth Hummus Chickpeas are par-cooked and dried, so they need to be cooked. Do that now when you want to multitask, and freeze them. They do their smooth best when warm, so thaw, then warm a touch in the microwave or on the stovetop, then make hummus.

~ Flavor and Color are a YES! ~

Hummus that does not contain chickpeas is not hummus (see above!). Yet hummus is super versatile with mix-ins, to impart wonderful flavors and color too.

For the holidays, try Fresh Herb Hummus using cilantro and mint. The cilantro is the key to color here. The mint if used alone will still taste great but the vibrant green won't shine through.

Also beautiful and delicious: Red Beet Hummus. Imagine a platter with red beet hummus and Fresh Herb Hummus twinning side-by-side. Delicious, beautiful joy!


~ Get Creative with Toppings ~

There is always the obvious: a healthy drizzle of olive oil over top of your hummus is essential, whatever else is going on there.

Spices also give your hummus pizzazz, with traditional sumac or paprika, or za'atar, dried mint, sesame seeds. Once you start, you'll be all over the spice drawer.

Whole chickpeas in a well in the hummus center filled with olive oil is so traditional. I love toasted nuts too, especially pine nuts, silvered almonds, or pistachios. Olives are SO good atop hummus, a briny, salty compliment.

Your Hummus Essentials:


Great EVOO.


Smooth Hummus Chickpeas.


Never-Bitter Tahini.


The Smooth Hummus Kit. Nice gift, too!

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Maureen Abood, c/o 1611 E. Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, Michigan 48912 United States

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