Monday, August 2, 2021

Weekly Meal Plan & Exercise Schedule (August 2nd, 2021)

organize yourself skinny

Hey there reader

I can't believe it's already August! The summer is just about over, and my brain is already going into back to school mode - fingers crossed the kids are going back full-time in September.

Anyway, over the next couple of weeks, I'll be stocking my freezer with meals and snacks to help us ease into the school year so that I can keep stress levels down. So, next week I'll share a meal plan along with the recipes I plan to freeze.

This week I'm testing a new meal plan that I'm making as a freebie for the blog. So all the recipes I'm eating this week are on the meal plan.

As soon as I finish it, I'll send it out to you as a PDF complete with recipes and tons of meal prep tips. Look for it in the meal plan email next week.

It's filled with fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. It's family-friendly, healthy, and I'll think you'll enjoy it.

Let's get to it.

Weekly meal plan


Blueberry Smoothie

Meal prep tips

  • Often, I'll put smoothie ingredients into kits for the week. I didn't have time to do that this weekend so I'll just blend the smoothie every morning.


California Salad in a Jar

Meal prep tips

  • I put together five salads for the week yesterday.


Italian Turkey Meatloaf with Roasted Broccoli

Shrimp Fried Rice

Cream Cheese Stuffed Everything But The Bagel Chicken with Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Chicken Fajita Sheet Pan Dinner

Open-faced Turkey Burgers with Roasted Green Beans

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Rice Bowls

Pita Pizzas with Ceasar salad

Meal prep tips

  • I made the turkey meatloaf and shrimp fried rice ahead of time.
  • I actually ended up putting the ingredients for the chicken fajita dinner in the crockpot, and it turned out great. Stay tuned for that new recipe.
  • I will make the turkey burgers, stuffed chicken, and pita pizzas the night we plan to eat it.


Daily Harvest Bites - I love having a couple of containers of these bites in the freezer for easy snacks.

Cheese sticks

Almond Butter Granola - this is for my husband and kids because they are obsessed with it.

Meal prep tips

  • I'm making the granola tonight.

If you're not familiar with Daily Harvest, it's a vegan meal subscription service specializing in single-serving plant-based frozen meals, snacks, and desserts. Everything is ready to eat. I order a box every couple of months just to have ready-to-eat healthy food and snacks when I need a break from cooking. Daily Harvest is offering Organize Yourself Skinny readers up to $40 off their first box. Get the coupon here. Learn more about my favorite Daily Harvest items in my review.

Exercise Schedule

So, I need to adjust my exercise schedule and routine this week a little. I had a spot removed from the back of my thigh, and I get the stitches out on Wednesday. So, earlier in the week, I'll focus on arms and core. Later in the week, I do some power-walking and then get back on track with exercise as usual.

Here's the exercise plan I'll follow:

Monday - no exercise

Tuesday - Arms and core

Wednesday - arms and core

Thursday - cardio (power walking)

Friday - cardio (power walking) and arms

Saturday - cardio (power walking)

Sunday - no exercise

I do 45 minutes on the treadmill for cardio, which is a combination of running and power-walking at inclines. This week I'm going to take it easier because my leg is still a little sore.

I do basic toning moves like bicep curls, tricep extensions, squats, lounges, and exercise moves like that for toning. I use 5 – 8lb weights. I'm going to skip the leg toning exercises this week.

I follow the exercise routines that I put together for the OYS eBook Bundle.

oys bundles

Habits to focus on

This week, I'm focusing on productivity, more explicitly getting work systems and routines in order. I want to get ahead of the game, so I don't feel rushed when my girls head back to school. I'm also working on some automation systems to work from a place of rest instead of constantly feeling like I'm rushing.

So what does this look like:

  • Fine tune my Trello boards, time-block out my schedule and work in batches.
  • Do a little extra every day with scheduling and writing to get ahead of schedule with blog posts.
  • Protect personal and work time. July was a busy month, busier than usual, and I was completely burnt out by the end. I need to carve out time for rest during the week, which means sometimes saying no to things. It also means being more intentional with scheduling. For example, when possible, scheduling appointments (personal and work) into specific time blocks, so they don't interfere with work.
  • Stay on top of cleaning routines. For example, sticking to a laundry schedule, cleaning the kitchen before bed, and blocking out time to do the extra organizing so again I can get ahead of the game.

Other habits to focus on.

  • Staying hydrated. I say this every week, but it's important and always a habit I'm working on. On top of drinking a daily smoothie, I'll drink 64 ounces of water.
  • Stop working by 4 pm and put my phone away. I tend to check as I'm sitting on the couch "relaxing" at night. My goal is to step away from my phone and let my brain relax.

Okay, that's it. I hope you find these weekly meal plans helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions or anything else you want to see.

Have a great week.


Organize Yourself Skinny

Some of these links are my affiliate links. I'll make a small commission if you choose to use my links; however, you're not obligated to do so. If you do, thanks so much for supporting Organize Yourself Skinny.​

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