Friday, August 6, 2021

The Blueberry Smoothie Recipe to Keep the Pipes Moving!

Hey there reader,

So, this email might be a little bit too TMI, but we are friends, right? Good!

Listen, I'm turning 46 in a few weeks, I'm perimenopausal, and my body doesn't function like it used to. Specifically, I get more "backed up" than I did in my early years. And, quite frankly, I probably wouldn't bring this up in an email because I'm not one to talk about poop issues, but I get emails and messages often from readers asking for recipes to help get the pipes moving.

And, since my job is to help make it easier for you to live a healthier lifestyle, I thought I would chime in with my favorite "pipe-cleaning" smoothie.

Let me back up (no pun intended) quickly before I share the recipe.

If you're struggling with going #2, the first thing you want to do is look at your diet and daily water intake. And I mean, really look at it.

Take a couple of days and track how much fiber and water you're consuming. I know it's easy to think that you're eating and drinking as you should, but in reality, you might not be.

This was one of my issues.

I thought I was drinking plenty of water, and when I tracked it, I quickly realized that I wasn't even drinking half of what I should. So, track that water.

Also, you should be eating at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Again, if you're not tracking, it's hard to tell if you're getting enough.

Drinking smoothies is one of the best ways to increase your hydration and fiber - it's like a double whammy!

And this Blueberry Smoothie is my favorite!

me holding a blueberry smoothie

It's delicious, filling, and has 14 grams of fiber, that's over half of what's recommended for women over 40.

Pair that with a veggie-packed mason jar salad and water throughout the day, and trust me, you'll be feeling like a new woman.

If you add this Blueberry Smoothie to your weekly meal plan, let me know what you think. Tag me on Instagram or in our Facebook Group.

Talk to you soon.


Organize Yourself Skinny

Ps. Of course, I'm not a doctor, so if you're having bathroom troubles that aren't fixed with more fiber and hydration, then talk to your doctor.

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