Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Planners' Update Newsletter - August 2021

Our team is growing; Housing updates; Ecology grants opening; Planners' Forums and Calendar Updates

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August 2021

Planners' Update Newsletter

The Growth Management Services team is growing. Join us!

The Growth Management Services (GMS) Team is growing faster than it has since the Growth Management Act (GMA) was first adopted. The Washington State Department of Commerce has an ambitious agenda from the last legislative session and we are forming new teams to achieve it.

If you're interested in joining our amazing team at Commerce, now is the time. In August, Growth Management will be posting six Commerce III positions that will be open until filled. These positions include specialists in housing and climate as well as regional planners.

You can find our job postings on the Commerce web site and the job boards from our partners at APA and PAW.

Working in Growth Management Services is a great place to move into local government, state agencies or into the legislative branch. It is also a great place to support leading planning efforts and provide technical assistance to local planners throughout the state. If you are curious about working with us, one of our alumni shared their perspective. You can also call your regional representative or anyone else you know at Commerce to talk with them about what it's like to work for at the department and for GMS.

"I worked at Growth Management Services in 2002. It was a great launching point for my career that has taken me to a number of different jobs in Olympia. Since leaving GMS, my jobs have included lobbying for the Washington State Association of Counties, legislative policy staff at the House of Representatives and senior policy advisor to Governor Inslee. Although my career path pulled me out of the land use/planning side of the world, I have found that the connections I made at the Department of Commerce have continued throughout my policy work in state government. I reconnected with folks at GMS when I was at the Governor's office working on behavioral health reform as we looked at how to move services and facilities into communities across the state. I never could have imagined all the places GMS would continue to help in my work."

--- Rashi Gupta, Senior Policy Analyst, House of Representatives Democratic Caucus

Housing legislative updates 

Picture of affordable housing

The 2021 legislative session produced significant changes to housing laws that will impact updates to the housing element of local comprehensive plans. We have posted a document online titled "2021 Legislative Changes to Housing Laws" to provide initial guidance for HB 1220 and other housing bills of interest to planners. More in-depth HB 1220 guidance will be developed over the next year to address legislation around future housing need projections and housing discrimination and displacement. 



Two Commerce grant applications opening soon

Commerce is pleased to announce two grant opportunities will be opening in mid-August. Watch your email - we will send the opening announcement to this Planners' Newsletter distribution list when the application is posted.

Housing Action Plan and Implementation grants

GMS has $5 million available for cities to adopt new Housing Action Plans (HAPs) and to implement strategies from adopted HAPs or housing plans. To distinguish this grant from the previous round of Increasing Residential Building Capacity grants, which was often referred to as HB 1923, this round of grants will be called the "Housing Action Plan and Implementation (HAPI)" grants.

  • Who can apply:  Cities planning under the GMA. This grant opportunity is prioritized for cities with populations over 20,000.
  • What:  Funding to develop new HAPs or to implement strategies from adopted HAPs or housing plans.
  • When:  Applications will be posted in mid-August and are due by Oct. 7, 2021 at 5 p.m.  Funds are available through June 2023.
  • Why:  To encourage construction of additional affordable and market
    rate housing in a greater variety of housing types and at prices that are accessible to a greater variety of incomes. 
  • How much:  Jurisdictions over 20,000 in population will be eligible for grants of up to $100,000. Cities under 20,000 will be evaluated next for a maximum of $75,000 per grant. No match is required.

Transit-Oriented Development Implementation grants

Transit oriented development image with bus

GMS has $2.5 million available for cities to facilitate transit-oriented development in areas with light rail or fixed rail systems, bus rapid transit, high frequency bus service or park and ride lots. This grant opportunity is known as the "Transit-Oriented Development Implementation (TODI)" grant.

  • Who can apply:  Cities with light rail or fixed rail systems, bus rapid transit, high frequency bus service or park and ride lots.
  • What:  Grand funding for cities to prepare SEPA environmental impact statements, planned action ordinances, subarea plans, costs associated with the use of other tools under SEPA, and costs of local code adoption and implementation of such efforts.
  • When:  Grant applications will open in mid-August and are due by Oct. 1, 2021 at 5 p.m.  Funds are available through June 2023.
  • Why:  To facilitate transit-oriented development that leverages investment in high-capacity transit systems to encourage compact development in station areas.
  • How much:  Grants of up to $250,000 will be available per jurisdiction, with higher funding amounts provided to jurisdictions that maximize legislative policy objectives such as leveraging quality of transit service, increasing capacity of housing units and supporting affordability.

Watch your email for the application opening notice and check out our grants webpage at the link below for the latest details on both of these and other funding opportunities.


Ecology grant applications open in August and September

Shoreline Master Program Competitive Grant Pilot Program 

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) is piloting a new competitive grant program that will support shoreline planning and planning-related efforts. 

  • Who can apply: Washington counties, cities and towns with a Shoreline Master Program (SMP) are eligible to apply and each eligible local government may submit up to two applications.
  • What: Planning and planning-related efforts in the following categories are eligible:
    • Local shoreline planning priorities – Projects that improve the implementation of SMP policies and regulations or address an unmet shoreline planning need.
    • Permit monitoring and adaptive management - Efforts to improve SMP implementation through permit monitoring and adaptive management.
    • Sea level rise - All phases of sea level rise planning, including scoping efforts.
  • How much: $827,000 is available and Ecology anticipate funding 12-20 proposals. The maximum amount that may be requested per project is $100,000.
  • When: The application period opens Sept. 1, 2021 and closes Oct. 14, 2021. Awarded funds must be used by June 30, 2023 and scoring preference will be given to projects that can be completed within 12 months.

Find information on this funding opportunity on the Shoreline Planners Toolbox website under the "grants" header and on Ecology's SMP Competitive Grant website. You'll find funding guidelines, resource links, and an application prep tool. Video of a July 13 pre-application workshop will be posted to the Shoreline Planners Toolbox shortly. 

Live pre-application workshop:  Aug. 12 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Potential applicants are encouraged to attend a WEBEX online workshop that will walk through how to use Ecology's application prep tool which is designed to give applicants a jump-start on the application process. Questions about project eligibility, scoring, the application process and other frequently asked questions will be answered.



APPLY NOW: Flood Control Assistance - $1.5 million available

The 2021 Legislature has restored the local Flood Control Assistance Account Program (FCAAP) grant program after a 12-year hiatus with $1.5 million available.

  • Who can apply: Cities, towns, counties, federally-recognized Tribes, conservation districts, and special purpose districts, such as flood control districts.
  • What: Eligible projects include comprehensive flood hazard management plans, feasibility studies, match for federal projects, and emergency projects. Ecology's focus will be on getting grant solicitations to help under-served communities and economically disadvantaged areas.
  • How much:  Although there is no grant award limit, Ecology anticipates a maximum award of $250,000 per grant in order to fund multiple flood planning projects. Grants require matching local funds: 25% for planning projects and 20% for emergency flood response projects.
  • When: Applications are open now for the 2021-23 FCAAP funding cycle. Interested applicants must apply through Ecology's Administration of Grants and Loans (EAGL) online system, before 5 p.m. Sept. 30, 2021.

Questions? If your questions are not answered on the FCAAP website, please contact Scott McKinney, FCAAP Fund Manager at, 360-407-6131.


LDC, Inc. will lead growth policy reform task force

Commerce has selected LDC, Inc. to facilitate a task force to recommend needed reforms to the state's growth policy framework. LDC and the assembled team will start work late this summer. This outstanding team of planning and public engagement professionals will lead this important conversation over the next two years.

The team will provide recommendations to the legislature for adapting the state's growth policy framework to address new and emerging challenges and opportunities. In particular, discussions will include the lived experiences and perspectives of people and communities that have often been excluded from public policy decision-making and unevenly impacted by the outcomes.

Clay White, Director of Planning at LDC, will lead the effort. Commerce is pleased to have this high caliber team working with us on this important project.

Planners' Forums

Planners' Forums are free, open to all, and often eligible for Continuing Education (CE). Upcoming Planners' Forums and events include the following:

  • Southwest Planners' Forum: Thursday, Aug. 12 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Topic: Planning for Social Justice, Diversity and Inclusion. Register here.
  • Northwest Planners' Forum: Tuesday, Aug. 24 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The topic will be "the future of transportation."

Registration information and presentations from past Regional Planners' Forums can be found on the Planners' Forum webpage.


Register for the Short Course on local planning

The Short Course on local planning offered by the Department of Commerce offers an overview of land use planning laws in Washington state, an introduction to comprehensive planning and plan implementation under the Growth Management Act and a review of the roles in planning and mandatory training on the Open Public Meetings Act for local government officials. All courses are offered at no charge and are open to the public.

Here is the schedule for the remainder of 2021 with registration links: 






Wednesday, 9/8/2021   

1-4 p.m.   



Thursday, 9/30/2021

6-9 p.m.



Monday, 10/18/2021

1-4 p.m.



Tuesday, 11/30/2021

6-9 p.m.



Thursday, 12/16/2021

1-4 p.m.


Request a ZOOM meeting. Commerce also offers e-visits to local planning commissions or other meetings. Contact your regional planner with requests for presentations on topics such as comprehensive plan basics and roles in the planning process.

The Infrastructure Assistance Coordinating Council's Annual Conference is Oct. 19-21

Interagency Coordinating Council Conference logo

The Infrastructure Assistance Coordinating Council (IACC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Washington communities and tribes identify and obtain resources they need to develop, improve and maintain infrastructure. IACC aims to improve the delivery of infrastructure assistance, both financial and technical, to local governments and tribes in Washington state.

The 2021 IACC Conference will be an online event, Oct. 19-21. State and federal teams assisting local governments and tribes with infrastructure needs convene at this popular, annual statewide conference to share information about their programs with local government representatives.

Conference registration will open in late August. If you would like to be added to the notification list, please email IACC Conference Chair Cathi Read at


Mark your calendar: Fall planning conferences

It's almost conference time! If you have not already done so, this is a great time to start planning for upcoming conferences.

The 28th Housing Washington Conference (Virtual) – Oct. 5 & 6

Housing Washington is the state's most significant resource for affordable housing guidance, innovation and solutions. Led by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission, in partnership with the Washington State Department of Commerce and Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, the annual conference enhances skills, vision and understanding of professionals working in affordable housing in our state and challenges them to work toward racial equity and social justice. This year's conference will be virtual and is presented free of charge.

See the Program-at-a-Glance and watch for registration details coming soon.



2021 American Planning Association (APA) Washington-Oregon Joint Conference (Virtual) – Oct. 13-15

The 2021 WA-OR APA Conference continues with the theme of Growing Together Virtually, recognizing the importance and challenges of planning for evolving communities, large and small, in these challenging and polarizing times. Special focus areas this year are:

  • Post-COVID economy and land use changes
  • Racial equity in planning practice
  • Environmental policy, climate change and resiliency

The conference schedule is posted and registration is now open (clicking on the registration link will take you to the Oregon APA site since this is a joint conference). Reduced rate scholarships are available – see the website for more details.

You can help plan local in-person gatherings. Although the fall conference will be held remotely, Oregon and Washington are opening up to in-person gatherings. APA is encouraging in-person conference-related events in both states, but needs your help in planning. What project or educational, social or networking event in your community can you celebrate with your colleagues, and then follow-up with a visit to a nearby restaurant, pub or park?  Learn more about Local In-Person Activities at the 2021 OAPA/APA-WA Joint Annual Conference.



Planning Association of Washington Conference (In-Person) – Nov. 15 & 16

The Planning Association of Washington (PAW) invites you to submit a session proposal(s) for the 2021 Conference scheduled to take place in person Nov. 15 and 16 at Campbell's Resort in Lake Chelan. This year, the conference will focus on silver linings and concentrating on what the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed as a benefit to our planning community and the communities for which we plan. An evolving new normal, changes in perspective and what the future might look like will be covered during this special conference. In addition, PAW is excited to continue the popular "Planner's Skills Camp." 

Options will be provided for those who cannot attend or are uncomfortable attending in-person events. Registration opens on Sept. 13 at 10 a.m.

New deadline for session proposals for the conference is Sept. 1, 2021.


Important Reminders 

Growth Management Act WAC update draft scope - PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSES AUG. 13

Commerce initiated a comprehensive review of our administrative rules to reflect recent legislative changes, case law and recommendations from state agency subject matter experts. The draft scope is available for public review and comment through this Friday. You can submit comments on the draft scope to Later this year, Commerce will release the draft changes to specific sections of each chapter in underline-strikethrough format for additional public comment.

Get draft 


HB 1220 may require changes to zoning code to accommodate housing and shelters for the homeless

HB 1220 not only expands the requirements for housing elements, it also requires cities to accommodate transitional housing, emergency shelters and similar homelessness-related facilities. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) recently published an article explaining the statute's new requirements related to zoning and development regulations regarding indoor shelters and housing for the homeless. Some of these requirements have very tight deadlines if local zoning revisions are needed (July and September 2021).

Please review HB 1220 (sections 3 and 4) and MRSC's article for general guidance and some options to consider. Commerce has also developed initial guidance on HB 1220 in its 2021 Legislative Changes to Housing Laws document.



Complete Streets nomination applications DUE OCT. 1

Commerce will be nominating up to 10 cities or counties for the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) "Complete Streets Award" grants of $100,000 to $1 million. Jurisdictions with current populations of 10,000 or less are encouraged to apply.

Nomination applications (PDF document) are due electronically to Commerce by Oct. 1, 2021.


Subscribe to our Planners' Update newsletter

Do you have new staff or know of someone who would like to know about planning news in Washington?  If so, please encourage them to sign up for the Commerce Planners' Update newsletter by visiting the main Department of Commerce webpage. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the "subscribe" area, enter your email and click "submit" to choose subscriptions you would like to receive. For this newsletter, under "Public Infrastructure," select "Growth Management." You may unsubscribe from any topic at any time.


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