Thursday, August 5, 2021

IPO's commitments to the Innovation Strategy

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IPO's role in the BEIS Innovation Strategy

New plans for UK to lead global innovation race

On 22 July, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) launched its Innovation Strategy which sets out plans to cement the UK's position as a world-leader in science, research and innovation.

The Intellectual Property Office fed into the Strategy and has committed to supporting the UK to becoming a global leader in innovation. 

An effective Intellectual Property (IP) system is fundamental to support this ambition. It gives researchers, creators and inventors the confidence to invest their time, energy and money in doing something new. It helps businesses, academics and individuals reap the rewards of their investments. The UK IP system is consistently rated as one of the best in the world which encourages and supports innovation.

Read the Innovation Strategy

The IPO's commitments

Building Back Better

The IPO will offer financial support to innovative businesses to help them manage their IP assets and commercialise their IP.

The financial scheme will be targeted to UK regions to support both recovering and growing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who are eligible to benefit from this financial support.  The first phase of the scheme is planned to launch in the summer.

Explanation of IPO's role in helping businesses build back better

AI and IP

The IPO issued a call for views in 2020 on a range of issues relating to AI and intellectual property. This included whether or not patents should be granted for inventions created by AI and whether or not copyright should apply to creative works created by AI.

The IPO will consult on the protection of inventions and creations made by AI with minimal human input and onhow to make it easier to use copyright material for data mining. 

Explanation of the IPO's role in the protection of inventions and creations made by AI

Trading Overseas

The IPO will expand its fit for purpose support offer for businesses and organisations to maximise their opportunities in overseas markets. The service will consist of free, easy to access, online materials and clearer routes to access the UK's network of IP experts based in key export markets around the world.

The expanded service addresses feedback from UK businesses that they needed clearer, easier to find resources to maximise the opportunities of international markets.

Explanation of the IPO's role in helping businesses trade overseas

IP and education

The IPO will expand its IP education programme for research education.

The UK government is committed to extending its education programme to reach more higher education-based researchers during the next academic year. This will help them better understand and manage the IP they create and generate the maximum benefit from their research.

The IP for research education programme includes webinars, live lectures and an online toolkit for institutions to deliver their own IP training. Over the last 3years the programme has been delivered to nearly 2,200 participants at universities and research institutions across the UK.

Explanation of the IPO's role in expanding IP education resources

Standard Essential Patents Framework

To gain further understanding of the issues faced by industry, the IPO will lead a call for views to better understand how the current framework for Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) is functioning to support innovation, and to establish whether change is needed.  

The interoperability of standards and patents is becoming increasingly important for innovation. The rise of wireless connectivity, digital communications and Internet of Things (IoT) has made it more important than ever before to ensure the UK's IP environment strikes the right balance for both SEP owners and implementers.

We want to ensure that ensure innovators can get a reasonable reward for their work and an ecosystem that enables third parties to access standard essential technology. 

Explanation of the IPO's role in the framework for Standard Essential Patents

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