Thursday, August 5, 2021

{Final Email} Flash Sale Ends in a few hours!

Hey there reader,

There's only a few hours left to take advantage of the 3-day 50% off flash sale! You'll get the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse, and all of the bonuses, for only $63 <--- that's a one-time price! After tonight, enrollment closes.

It never fails...tomorrow morning I'll wake up to emails that sound like this...

"Tammy, can I still get the discounted price?"

"I missed the sale, can I still use the coupon code?"

"Please, can you extend the sale one more day?"

"I missed the enrollment date, can I still join"

Unfortunately, the discount code expires tonight, and the doors shut, no exceptions.

So, if you like a great deal AND want to learn all about how to organize yourself skinny then now's the time to enroll.

Purchase the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse here. Use code bts2021 for 50% off.

Can I just say this?

Organize Yourself Skinny is the real deal! However, the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse is so much more than a "weight loss plan".

Yes, everything I teach in this eCourse will help you lose weight - if that's your goal!

But as you put in place all these strategies I'm confident you'll experience changes that you weren't expecting.

  • You'll feel better organized in all areas of your life.
  • You won't be controlled by your hot zones and overall will feel less stressed.
  • You will become a more confident happy person.

Doesn't that sound awesome? That's what happened to me and I know you can have the same results.

Just in case you missed this..

Here are a couple comments and pictures from current students in our Private Facebook Group

This first comment came from Judith during our live coaching chat last week. She's been a part of the OYS eCourse for over a year. Not only has she lost 12lbs since starting the course but she's sustained that weight loss for the first time ever. That's huge. It's all about putting in place new habits to get hot zones under control - and that's what makes the difference. As you can see her life has changed in so many other ways than just losing weight.

FYI this is what I experienced and I'm so happy to see my students making those same positive changes in their life.

I love this picture OYS eCourse student Jill shared! It's amazing the way meal prep can make you feel so happy and in control of your week!

Meal prep is one of the top strategies I use to get food under control AND reduce stress during the week. There's an entire module on make-ahead meals and I'm happy to teach it! It completely changed my life and I love seeing it change the lives of my students.

Those are just a couple of examples. If you join the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse you'll have access to this amazing supportive group. By the way, you'll get to talk to me every week during our live group coaching chat and have access to all of our previous chats.

If you more information about the OYS eCourse you can read all about it here.

Here's a quick breakdown:

  • 8 Modules (31 lessons). Each lesson is video-based, includes a downloadable printable of the slides, along with action steps. I coach you step-by-step through the entire program.
  • Each lesson is self-paced. You can start and stop at your leisure.
  • Tons of bonuses. You'll get 6 weeks of meal plans, 5 weeks of exercise plans, checklists, and all my make-ahead ecookbooks.
  • Access to the Private Facebook group.
  • Access to all the updates forever.

One last thing I want to mention. The cost of the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse is a one-time fee. This means you pay once and have access to the entire eCourse, and all the updates, forever.

I'm going to leave you with that. If you want to read more about the eCourse, and see all the modules and bonuses, then check it out here. If you feel it'll be a great fit for you then sign up - don't forget to use code bts2021to get it for $63. Remeber enrollment closes tonight.

This is final email you'll get from me about the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse. Enrollment closes in a few hours and then it's time to get to work!

Talk to you soon.


Organize Yourself Skinny

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