Thursday, August 5, 2021

Doors close tonight. Last chance to get 50% off 👈

Hey hey reader!

How are you? I hope you're having a wonderful week.

Over 4 years ago I opened the doors to The Organize Yourself Skinny Ecourse. Since then, I've been overwhelmed and humbled by the response I've received from students.

Many students have shared in the exclusive private OYS Facebook group, and through email, the impact it's had on their life - far beyond weight loss.

This makes me so happy!

I worked hard to create a program that shares all the weight loss tools and strategies I used to change my life and I knew it would be the turning point many people were looking for.

Before I get to some of the feedback, and what's in the eCourse, I just want to let you know that I'm closing enrollment for the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse tonight. This was a 3-day flash sale!

Also, right now it's on sale for 50% off. That brings the total price DOWN to $63. Which, by the way, this is a one-time fee for EVERYTHING. Use code bts2021 at checkout for the discount.

So if you've been thinking about joining the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse then now's the time.

There will be no exceptions.

Remember to use code bts2021 for 50% off.

Okay, here's some feedback from current students:

Brenda H. - "I started with the OYS eCourse a few years ago. It has become a staple in my life. Every time I review the materials, I learn something new. The tips and tricks are laid out in a way that makes them very user friendly! The NEW OYS ebook is exactly what I needed to give me guidelines that follow up on the original eCourse. It's been super helpful in my busy life as a school administrator to have these tools to keep my eating and exercise in check. I so appreciate Tammy's easy-going and relatable advice!"

Katie D. - "One month ago I signed up for Tammys eCourse. I am down 11 pounds, have delicious food in my freezer/fridge, drink a smoothie every day, and workout 4 times a week. And I make my bed now. Today I didn't want to work out but I pushed through and even moved to the harder workout DVD and killed it. One month ago I couldn't even jog in place or get in a runners pose. Better even than the weight loss is the strength and energy I am gaining. Keep moving everyone! And good luck over the holiday weekend!!!"

Kelly B - "I finally finished the eCourse and it was fantastic! It took me a while because of time but I listened to it at work. I wasn't going to get it because I'm not new at all to learning about health and fitness but then I felt like I owed it to myself after following OYS for the past year. I have already lost 15 lbs and then maintained for a year. I'm looking to lose my last 10-15 and honestly, it's hard and overwhelming to start all over again! You sort of feel like you forget what to do so the eCourse really helped me develop a plan. So far I've kept my trigger foods out of my house which was really an issue for me! The course gave me a lot more information too. I really encourage people to purchase this and refer back to her material. Kind of takes all the guesswork out of getting Those lbs off and building new habits. I was always trying to ignore those Tostito chips in my pantry and it was torture! So when Tammy talks about not keeping those kinds of foods that you can't resist in the house..I really don't even think about it. So do yourself a favor and get her eCourse."

Ann S. - I am most of the way through the Organize Yourself Skinny course. I used to use my fitness pal and decided to try WW. The tips given throughout the course as well as recipes are wonderful! No matter what program you use this course helps. I never tried overnight oats before but I plan to shortly. They sound wonderful. I like pudding and had no idea they would taste as such. I plan to use this to stay the course, not give up and use it as an incentive to keep on track. I believe clutter does matter and am working on that as well. Tammy spent a lot of time and thoughtfulness putting this course together. Thank you so much!

And there's many more!! I'm so proud of everyone!

Alrighty, let's talk about the amazing information and bonuses you get with the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse.

Everything I learned about developing healthy eating habits, establishing new routines, and creating a weight loss supportive environment, I did through trial and error. I didn't have a step-by-step system walking me through it. Just me and lots of Googling.

The good news, I've taken everything I've learned since my first weight loss a-ha moment 11 years ago and developed the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse. You don't need to waste hours searching endlessly trying to find the right system - I've done all the work for you!

In this eCourse, you'll get me mentoring you step by step through all the strategies I used, and continue to use, to organize my life, reduce stress, eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight! Think of me as your mentor and coach!

I truly believe the information found in the Organize Yourself Skinny Ecourse has the power to be life-changing for you. Why? Because everything I teach has been (and continues to be) life-changing for me!

Here's what you'll find in the Organize Yourself Skinny ecourse:

  • 8 content-rich modules (31 lessons) walking you step-by-step through everything I know about building a healthier lifestyle.
  • Bonus newly updated and designed Organize Yourself Skinny eBook.
  • Brand new 30-day workbook that includes 4 weeks of habit challenges, exercise challenges, and make-ahead meal plans.
  • Bonus "Getting Started" Checklist to get you moving on the strategies right away.
  • Jump-start 7-day Weight Loss Meal Plan and Exercise Plan
  • Additional 9-weeks of make-ahead meal plans complete with recipes, nutritional information, and make-ahead instructions.
  • Additional 9-weeks of "getting started" exercise plans.
  • All my meal prep and freezer meal eCookbooks.
  • All of my goal setting and habit tracker sheets.
  • And my favorite bonus! Access to the private Facebook Group created exclusively for students of the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse. This group will provide an amazing support system as you move through your weight loss journey.
  • Last, you have free lifetime access to all Organize Yourself Skinny ecourse updates. I create new stuff all the time! In fact, I'm creating TONS of new stuff this summer. You get access to it all!

Learn more about the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse here. Remember to enter the coupon bts2021 to get the course 50% off.

Remember enrollment closes tonight.

I look forward to having you as a student!



Organize Yourself Skinny

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