Thursday, June 3, 2021

Consumers Turn To Biking for Safe Fun and Exercise During Pandemic

Surge in demand prompts bicycle shortages, higher prices. Learn more in this America Counts story.
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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

A woman wears a face mask while riding a bicycle.

Consumers Turn To Biking for Safe Fun and Exercise During Pandemic

When parts of the country were under orders to stay home and health clubs closed to help contain the spread of the coronavirus, many fitness-starved Americans turned to cycling for outdoor exercise, triggering a bike shortage.

Among the reasons cited: supply chain issues with U.S. bike manufacturers, decreased imports when factories in East Asia shut down due to the pandemic and America's stay-at-home orders. Bicycle Retailer and Industry News reports the shortage will probably continue until mid-2022.

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According to data from the 2017 Economic Census, 6,521 sporting goods stores sold an estimated $3.6 billion worth of bikes in the United States.

Those sales accounted for 14.1% of total sales of sporting goods stores that sold bikes ($25.6 billion) and 8.1% of all sporting goods stores sales ($44.5 billion).

Continue reading to learn more about:

  • Love of biking
  • Bike manufacturing
  • Bike imports and exports
  • Getting to work

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