Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Stats for Stories: May & June 2021

Official U.S. stats to help you tell stories about Memorial Day, Tennessee, Great Outdoors Month, Stanley Cup hockey and more.
Registered United States Census Bureau Logo

May & June 2021


Monday, May 31st, is Memorial Day. June 1st is Tennessee's 225th anniversary of statehood and the start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month, Great Outdoors Month, Dairy Month, Housing Month, LGBTQ Month, and Ocean Month.



Memorial Day: May 31

Memorial Day, established in 1868 as Decoration Day, honors the 1.2 million men and women who have died in military service since the American Civil War began in Charleston, SC, on April 12, 1861.

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Tennessee 225th Anniversary of Statehood (1796): June 1

Tennessee joined the Union on June 1, 1796, as the 16th state. Nickname: The Volunteer State. Motto: Agriculture and Commerce.

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Great Outdoors Month: June

The 2016 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation counted more than $157 billion in expenditures for wildlife-related recreation.

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National Caribbean-American Heritage Month: June

According to the 2020 International Data Base, the three most populous Caribbean countries were: Haiti (11.1M), Cuba (11.1M), and the Dominican Republic (10.5M).

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2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs: May 15 to July TBD

The 2020 Population Estimates of the 22 U.S. metros with NHL teams found the largest was New York with 19,124,359 and the smallest was Buffalo with 1,125,637.

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All Stats for Stories for May 2021:

All Stats for Stories for June 2021:

  • Tennessee 225th Anniversary of Statehood (1796): June 1
  • American Housing Month: June (posting soon)
  • Great Outdoors Month: June
  • National Caribbean-American Heritage Month: June
  • National Ocean Month: June
  • LGBT Pride Month: June
  • National Dairy Month: June
  • Atlantic Hurricane Season: June 1 - November 30
  • Cheese Day: June 4
  • Multiracial Heritage Week: June 6-12
  • Day of Portugal: June 10
  • Philippines Independence Day (1898): June 12
  • International & National Children's Day: June 13
  • Arkansas 185th Anniversary of Statehood (1836): June 15
  • National Nursing Assistants Day & Week: June 17 & 17-23
  • Juneteenth (1865): June 19
  • Father's Day: June 20
  • Summer 2021: June 20-Sepember 22
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About Stats for Stories

Stats for Stories (SFS) links you to U.S. Census Bureau statistics about current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. These newsworthy and timely stats will help bring your stories to life.

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