Monday, May 24, 2021

HSE Pesticides eBulletin - Public consultation: Cinmethylin

This eBulletin includes information on the Plant Protection Products (PPP) regulation in Great Britain

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HSE eBulletin

New Active Substance: Public consultation

Call for comments on the first GB approval of the new active substance Cinmethylin


HSE has received a dossier from BASF Agro B.V for the following active substance/uses:

  • Cinmethylin (BAS 684 H) is a new herbicidal active substance for controlling the growth of annual grasses and several broadleaf weed species in cereals.

The dossier is for the first approval of this substance in Great Britain (GB) under retained Regulation 1107/2009; the assessment was performed by the Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE.


Any interested third parties are strongly invited to comment on the content and conclusions of the Draft Assessment Report (DAR) or share any relevant information. Comments can be submitted by any member of the public or interested party.


Consultation details can be viewed here.


The deadline for comment is 19 July 2021



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