Friday, January 31, 2025

The Community Just Opened!

Hey reader

We're starting our next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge on Monday.

The community just opened! 

Which means we are ready to help you and answer your questions. 

And to make joining even better...

We just added a brand new bonus to our February Challenge to celebrate LOVE month!

48 Dark Chocolate Dessert and Indulgent Treat Recipes for Valentine's Day!

Chocolate is for Lovers is a brand new eCookbook and an exclusive bonus for all new and returning Challenge members!

This is what makes Clean Eating a lifestyle you can stick with!

There's always a little room for treats and desserts in your meal plan...we'll show you how!

This bonus is so new you won't even see it on the Challenge page yet:

Do you have a few goals to reach by Spring?

Want to lose fat and shrink a few dress sizes?

Want accountability to your New Year's Resolutions? 

There are only 7 Weeks Left Until the First day of Spring.

Let's Break it Down:

1 lb. a week = 7 lbs

2 lbs a week = 14 lbs 

2.5 lbs a week = 17.5 lbs

And here's the best part, many people in our Challenge groups have these results by simply Eating Clean and being a little more active. 

Our next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge Starts on Monday, February 3rd.

With our Valentine's Day BOGO sale going on RIGHT NOW, you get two 30-Day Challenge Groups (60 Days of CFC!) for the price of one AND 12 Bonus eBooks!

Learn more here -

I am 100% committed to giving you the tools to not just eat clean, but to live your BEST life with amazingly tasty food that is good for you.

In fact, that is why we created the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge.

The reality is that just trying the clean recipes I share isn't enough for most people to make the long-term progress they desire

Every month, I receive testimonials from people who have followed CFC for years, they used the recipes, and many times they even lost weight.

But when they finally decided to join the challenge and join our private online community and access all of the tools that I've created exclusively for Clean Food Crush 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge customers, changes happened that made a difference. 

People have healed health issues they've had for decades.

They've lost weight they've struggled with for years.

Families have replaced ultra-processed choices with healthier options that everyone enjoys!

It's really been something that's inspired ME, watching so many people succeed and have their own unique Clean Eating experiences.

That's why we continue to create more tools and recipes and why so much content is included with the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge. 

If YOU are willing to commit to a 30-day investment into your health, then I want to help you succeed as much as possible! 

I'm so willing to help you, that you will even get your second month with CFC 100% FREE. 

With our Valentine's Day BOGO sale going on RIGHT NOW, you get two 30-Day Challenge Groups (60 Days of CFC!) for the price of one AND 12 Bonus eBooks!

Register Today and Get Your Free Gifts! >>

"Although I’d been watching Rachel and CleanFoodCrush on Facebook for a while, I finally signed up for my First 30-Day Challenge at the beginning of November.

And wow! I am so glad I did! I seriously thought the “before and after” photos I was seeing online couldn’t be 30-day changes — surely they were achieved over many months! But now I look at my own and see what can be accomplished.

I’ve lost just over 17 pounds between November 1st and November 30th." - Susan

Our next 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge group Starts Monday, February 3rd!

If your New Year's Resolution to "get healthier" is something you've already forgotten about, it's time to commit... and we can help!   

We want to make sure you are successful with the 30-day plan, so you will actually receive 60 days of our Support and Accountability Community!

That means you'll receive the help of my team and me, for a full 2 months.

You won't just receive a plan, we'll support you in gaining the momentum to have an amazing, healthy year. 

Plus everyone who signs up early will receive extra time to get their questions answered.

This will increase the likelihood that you will stick to the Challenge for the entire 30 Days!

With Valentine's Day only a month away, this is The Perfect time to join us and get started! 

When you register for our Clean Eating Challenge, not only will you get the complete Clean Eating Plan, 10 No Excuses Success Bonus eBooks, and 2 but you will also receive an entire Free Additional Month of Our Private Community!

Receive Our Help From Now Until the Middle of March by Registering Today.

This means you're going to start the Spring with all new healthy Habits and an entire community of real people cheering you on. 

I want to make joining irresistible for you, so...

I'm giving you a Free additional Month of the Challenge, and 2 Featured Seasonal Bonuses: Sugar Detox Success Manual, and Savory Slimming Soups when you join us in February!

Plus, you'll also get our healthy snack list, Clean Eating Travel Rescue Guide, Challenge Approved Smoothie Recipes, Crush Your Cravings, Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes, Party Food Recipes, 5 Ingredient Recipes, a Dinning Out Guide, Health Coffeehouse Drink Swaps, and our Immunity Support Pack when you join us! 

That's 12 Bonuses + a Free Extra Month when you join my Valentine's Day Celebration!

<3 Rachel

"This has been the easiest weight loss I have ever had. I tell everyone that I am not on a diet, I just changed what I’m eating. I think this is important because I don’t want my kids to think I’m “dieting”, I’m just eating healthy!" - Carrie


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CleanFoodCrush, 1192 Draper Parkway Suite #433, Draper, UT 84020, US

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