Thursday, January 30, 2025

if you only open one email today, let it be this one

Hi reader,

I know your inbox is noisy. Mine is too.

Even seeing emails from people I enjoy and updates I actually need are sometimes overwhelming.

It's like my brain is full and just one more message will send me over the cliff, running to the corner, cuddled with a book that will take me away from this twilight zone we're currently living in.

But you and I also know that running away or pretending problems don't exist doesn't actually make them go away.

I am fully aware that the only way to overcome obstacles is to walk through them… one small step at a time.

Whether you struggle with budgeting or meal planning, I'm carving out a few days this month to teach a special (free!) training event that can help you take the next step, and I'd love for you to join me!

It's called Grocery Savings Made Simple and I'm hosting this mini-class because now more than ever - in this season of constant change and uncertainty - there is a need to make healthy food affordable.


  • The same tactics that helped Rebecca save $100 on her next shopping trip...
  • The same strategy that prevented Carolyn from overspending on something that was supposedly "on sale"...
  • The same shopping method that gave Ann the confidence to cut her grocery budget by $400/month - and stick to it...

I'm teaching these specific and strategic shopping tactics so you can walk away with practical, tangible shopping strategies that have helped others like Rachel...

"Wow! I am definitely going to have to revamp the way I shop. Baby 2 is coming soon and we will need to get more for our money. Thanks so much for the helpful information and encouragement 🙂"

And Katie…

"Thank you so much! Found this on a perfect day - my husband and I have struggled for years and years with grocery shopping and now it's worse with a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Everything you said was exactly what we are going through! We are trying to eat healthy and it's just impossible! I have tried so many different things and can't figure it out! My husband has finally had enough and today said he will be doing the grocery shopping from now on, and he will not buy healthy food. I am so happy to find this video and can't wait for the others! I pray it changes my life and my family as it did yours. Thank you!"

And Jenn…

"Huge eye opener, and it makes total sense though now that I see it! Thank you so much for offering this incredible help and advice. I love your blog and you're just fantastic! I can't wait for the next video!"

Over the course of 7 days I'm going to be teaching you the same shopping technique that helped Rebecca, Carolyn, Ann, Rachel, Katie, Jenn, and over 5,000 other frugal foodies just like you save money on real food.

And I absolutely cannot wait to get started!

So consider this your official invitation to attend this FREE 7-day training event called Grocery Savings Made Simple.

This event is 100% free, but you must RSVP to attend. (I don't want to send you the emails if you're not interested!)

→ → Click here to RSVP for Grocery Savings Made Simple.

(Psst! If you've already RSVP'd, there's no need to register again!)

This is the only time I'm offering this training in 2025. Be sure to save your spot and mark your calendar!

Save your spot by clicking here.

We'll send over the dates and details as soon as you're registered.
I'm confident that this strategy can make a difference for you reader - I hope you can make it!

♥ Tiffany

PS - Over 5,000 readers have gone through this training and I've heard over and over again how they've easily saved $100 a month just by following these simple shopping strategies.

I do hope you can join us, because I want you to save money too!
Be sure to RSVP to attend this free training - you can reserve your spot on this page.

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