Thursday, November 16, 2023

Here are some of our top Mediterranean recipes! 🐟

There are countless diets out there. Many of them rise in popularity only to fall out of focus weeks or months later. But some of them stick around for good! The Mediterranean diet is the PERFECT example.
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The Mediterranean diet focuses primarily on Greek and Italian cuisine.
The style of eating allows you to consume lots of:
● fruits and vegetables
● nuts, seeds, and whole grains
● seafood
● olive oil, herbs, and spices
smaller amounts of lean protein (like chicken and low-fat dairy)
You're even allowed to occasionally indulge in red meat and sweet treats!
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Why the Mediterranean Diet Works Not only does it enable you to eat plenty of filling, delicious, and nutritious foods, but it also helps you to never feel deprived. When you're able to easily satisfy your cravings, be it for a burger or sweet treat, your diet becomes much more sustainable! And if we know one thing, it's that sustainability is key to a successful diet! Here are some of our favorite Mediterranean-friendly recipes.
-Skinny Ms. Team


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