Thursday, January 19, 2023

Workshop announcement

Workshop in Copenhagen with Signe Bay

The Christmas Workshop with Signe Bay in December sold out in the blink of an eye, so we are incredibly happy to tell you that we've decided to do a 3rd edition of our bespoke 2 day intensive workshop at Signe's beautiful daylight studio in the Northern outskirts of Copenhagen.
This will be two INTENSE days in a cozy and inspirational environment, where we will share our knowledge about food and stillife styling, photography and videography. We will talk about working as commercial and editorial photographers/videographers, about entrepreneurship, share our experiences as self-employed, and much, much more!


Dates: 22nd & 23rd of February, 2023
Time: 9-16 both days
Location: Signe Bay STUDIO, Charlottenlund, Denmark

Love, Linda & Signe

Read more + book your spot here!
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