Thursday, January 19, 2023

the lazy way to compare grocery prices

Hi reader,

Comparing prices at grocery stores is one of the best ways to know you are getting the best deal out there.

But, if you're anything like me, you don't have much extra time to spend driving around town checking price labels!

I found an easier (dare I say lazy) way to go about this. And it came in SUPER handy when we moved to our farm in South Carolina where stores are at least 20 miles away.

Here's what I recommend (and still do every few months):


  1. Make your shopping list. Go to and write down the prices for everything on your list.
  2. Then physically shop ALDI.
  3. If the price at ALDI is lower than what you wrote, buy it. If it's higher, then put a * by it and write down the price.
  4. At the end of the trip, before checking out, see how many * you have and how much money you'd save if you went to Walmart. If it's $5 or less, buy it while you're at ALDI. If it's more than $5 and Walmart is close, go to Walmart.

A wild card might be things that you can only get at Walmart (or ALDI), but the steps above are a great first step.

You can almost do this for any store. So many grocery stores offer online shopping for their pick up or delivery services. Online "shop" one store, then physically shop the second.

Start recording these prices in your price book and you'll learn the sale cycles too. (Here's a tutorial on making a price book.) Then you can always buy your most used items at their lowest price and save big!

You can also check prices at and see if subscribing is the better deal. I just added black pepper and maple syrup to my list because they're both a better deal via Amazon than Walmart or ALDI (or Lidl!).

Prices will vary depending on where you live and prices have gone up across the board. But these price comparison posts are a good place to start too:

Do you compare prices at your local stores? What wins in your area?

♥︎ Tiffany

PS: You know how we left the Atlanta suburbs and moved to a farm in South Carolina, right?

Well, one of the reasons we picked this spot was because my Crunchy Sister-in-Law is just 2.4 miles away. Her and her husband have been farming/homesteading for 4+ years, so I knew that no matter what issues I ran into, I could call them up and they'd be at my front door in under 5 minutes.

Starting something entirely new that feels so big and beyond my knowledge is SO scary... but having help nearby makes it much less intimidating.

I know not everyone has a Crunchy Sister-in-Law nearby, but you CAN have help at your fingertips with the Homestead Documentary.

Whether your homestead is a tiny 2-bedroom apartment, a 10x10 backyard of sand, a 1/4 acre of steep hill in an HOA neighborhood, or 30 acres tucked away from the main road (I've had all four!) - there's something for everyone in this series.

Today is the LAST DAY to grab access to the Homestead Documentary, and I honestly don't know if they'll make this available to the public again. Get all the details here before it disappears for good.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that it is a MILLION times easier to simply call for help than it is to spend time researching it yourself, lol.

Here's the link to the Homestead Documentary.

Don't forget, this ends tonight!!

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