Thursday, January 19, 2023

Ready to be Sugar Free in 2023??

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If you are looking for a way to end sugar cravings, and balance blood sugar so you can feel better, lose weight and end the yo-yo dieting, the Live 6 week Sugar Detox course is for you!

You will join hundreds of others who have chosen to put their health first in 2023 and go sugar free!

The online 6 week course will take you through detoxing from sugar without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Each week you will meet in a Zoom meeting with me, Brenda Bennett, your personal coach.

I'll teach you how to follow a whole food approach to detoxing from sugar and you can decide if you'd like to follow a low carb or keto track, totally up to you.

My new book, The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet is a 30 day whole food detox based off my 6 week online course.

It's a condensed version of the course so you can follow it at your own pace.

While the book has an enormous amount of solid information and a foundation to learn from, you won't get that live component of me coaching you weekly as I do online in the 6 week course!!

Let me take you through the book personally, with weekly Zoom meetings to connect with and find your people that will support and encourage you!

If you have my book there is a 50% discount towards the 6 week course at the back of the book titled, What's Next!

If you don't have my book there is a discount code for 30% at checkout now until 1/29/23!!

Registration is Open Now!
Discounts end January 29th!

Sugar Free In 2023! Let's Do this!
Brenda/Sugar Free Mom

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