Friday, January 20, 2023

Looking ahead to 2023 food trends

The Feed newsletter header image
Hello Joe,
Happy New Year and welcome to The Feed! We are feeling hungry for an exciting year ahead and are looking forward to keeping you updated on all the latest news and opportunities from the EIT Food community and across the food system.

In this month's newsletter you will find the biggest food trends for the year ahead, spotlights on some of the most impactful innovators, and upcoming opportunities.

We hope you enjoy, 
Matt and the EIT Food team
top 5 european food trends
Women shops for food in supermarket
hand picks up soil
Various nuts and vegetables on a table
Protein diversification can play an important role in enhancing the resilience of food systems. Dive into this whitepaper for an outlook on the current state of technological developments, the business and societal potential of protein diversification, and the challenges and opportunities in research and innovation.

Join Ed Bergen of FutureBridge and Sam Newman of TasteWise on the Food Fight podcast to discuss some of the biggest upcoming food industry trends.

  Man in white labcoat
Patrick Clifford of PepsiCo tells us about his job and his ability to create some of our favourite supermarket snacks.
Anna Ogar stands in front of a field
Watch the story of Anna Ogar, Founder and CEO of Microbe+, and her excellent team who have developed a biological product for farmers that stimulates crop growth and protects them against pathogens.
The EU is now making important steps to ensure algae are being recognised as an important part of the European food system. EIT Food has warmly welcomed the publication of the European Commission’s Communication “Towards a Strong and Sustainable EU Algae Sector”.
Please with pens and paper stand in a line
In December 2022, EIT Food sponsored a startup pavilion at the Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) conference in Paris. Hear the latest insights from startups in our community that attended the event.
Women at stand saying Beta Bugs
Our interactive workshops inspired children to learn about food production and why we need to grow more sustainable food for future generations.
Three women crowd around a piece of paper
Tuesday 24 January, 10:00
Man on stage with large audience
18-21 January
Berlin (Germany) and Online
Table spoons filled with vegetables
Tuesday 24 January, 12:00
Madrid (Spain)

We are looking for products or services which have been developed in part, or in full, as a result of engagements with EIT Food. We will award a prize of €10,000 for the best marketed innovation and up to 20 prizes of €5,000 for marketed innovations which demonstrate impact in the market. Submission deadline is 3 February 2023.

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? Then we want to hear from you. We’re looking for projects that will put new products on the market and introduce new and improved commercial processes and services. Submission deadline is 13 April 2023. 
eit Food
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