Friday, April 29, 2022

👀 Sneak peek at how our grocery budget paid off our debt.

Hi reader,

Your special invitation to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT and because this course can LITERALLY change your life, I want to make sure you're well aware of what happens if you don't register.

Here's the deal. If all Grocery Budget Bootcamp does is help you save $300 in the next six months, it pays for itself. 
But that's not going to happen. Here's why:

  1. The average student saves $300 before the class is over. (80% of students save that in the very first month!)
  2. Your savings doesn't stop after the first month. (If you save $300 in month 1, you're also saving $300 (or more) in month 2, month 3, etc.)
  3. The more you follow the system, the more you save. (Your savings GROWS, and you start saving MORE than just $300/month.)

How crazy is that?!

So let's get this show on the road.

Click HERE to register for Grocery Budget Bootcamp before the doors close.

(And yes, they really will close!)

I've laid out all the information you need to know about the course on that page, and I've answered a bunch of questions there as well.

Eating real food on a budget doesn't have to be hard, and you don't have to do it on your own. Join me for our Spring2022 class of Grocery Budget Bootcamp and let's do it together, one step at a time!

♥ Tiffany

PS - Your special invitation to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT and there is absolutely no better time to master your food spending than right now, especially with the "Food Allergies on a Budget" bonus!!

Plus I created a special set of tools specifically for this class called the Fight Inflation Bundle. It's only available when you enroll in Grocery Budget Bootcamp, and enrollment ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm PT!

Here's your link to join Grocery Budget Bootcamp.

Do you want to stop receiving emails about Grocery Budget Bootcamp? No problem! Just click here to opt out. You'll still receive the weekly newsletter unless you unsubscribe from everything below. 

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