Friday, October 22, 2021

The Soup Series Wrap-Up! 🍲

The Soup Series Wrap-Up

Hi reader,

Oh man, it's kinda hard to say goodbye. Soup season can live on forever, but this Soup Series has come to an end. Just in time for it to finally get chilly here in MN, lol! We've scooped and swooped, and dipped and dunked. We jalapeño corn frittered, tore crouton bread as a therapeutic exercise, we made all the soups, and loved every second of it. Did you find a new one you love??

We've pulled together a little round-up for you with all the recipes. We're sharing some of our fave snaps from your kitchens (thank you for making soup with us!), we're crowning some category winners, and we're shedding some tears knowing we aren't going to be souping all day, every day.

Put on a sappy song and scroll through the memories of making all these new soup-friends. Remember, it's not's 'til we meet again.


The POY Team

The Soup Series Wrap-Up

The Soup Series is coming to an end and we're taking a look back at the most memorable and delicious moments. Let's go!

More on Pinch of Yum

Smoky Red Lentil Soup with Spinach

You all COULD NOT QUIT with this soup. So many of you made this and, well, it's obvious why. It's packed to the brim with veggies, red lentils, coconut milk, lots of spices, and wow! It's just a total soup win. Get the recipe!

Delicious Soup Recipes to Cozy Up to This Fall

Missed one of the recipes from the Soup Series? We've got you covered! The fall vibes keep on keepin' on with these cozy goodies. Get the complete list here!

Keep exploring! Find your next favorite recipe here.

Want to mix it up or make it vegetarian? Click here for healthy swaps and substitutions.

If you only want vegetarian recipes, click here and we'll nix the meat from your inbox.

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Pinch of Yum, 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205 United States

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