Friday, October 22, 2021

Stats for Stories: October & November 2021

Official U.S. stats to help you tell stories about Nuts, Electric Light, Prescription Drugs, Family Caregivers, Energy and more.
Registered United States Census Bureau Logo

October & November 2021


A milestone in lighting our homes with electricity happened 142 years ago this weekend. Today is Nut Day. Tomorrow is Prescription Drug Take Back Day. All October we celebrate Disability Employment Awareness, Energy AwarenessGlobal Diversity Awareness, Italian-American Heritage, and Polish-American Heritage.



The Incandescent Light Bulb (1879): October 22-23

On Oct. 22-23, 1879, Edison's team made a light bulb with a carbonized filament of uncoated cotton thread that lasted 14.5 hours, long enough to light a home.

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National Nut Day: October 22

According to foreign trade stats, US exports of nuts were valued at $9.28B in 2020, up from $4.90B in 2010. Imports were $2.86B in 2020, up from $1.48B in 2010.

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National Prescription Drug Take Back Day: October 23

The U.S. total value of shipments of pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing grew from $67B in 1992 to $298B in 2020 and may exceed $300B in 2021.

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month: October

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated that among noninstitutionalized civilians with a disability, 7.9M are employed and 0.9M are unemployed.

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Global Diversity Awareness Month: October

Diversity is all the ways in which we differ: race, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, parental status, educational background, etc.

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National Energy Awareness Month: October

The 2019 County Business Patterns report on electric power generation counted 3,491 establishments with 130,597 paid employees and an annual payroll of $15.9B.

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Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month: October

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated out of a total U.S. population of 328.2 million, 16.1 million people reported Italian ancestry, or about 4.9%.

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Polish-American Heritage Month: October

The 2019 American Community Survey estimated the U.S. population at 328.2 million. About 9.0 million (roughly 2.7%) reported Polish ancestry.

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All Stats for Stories for October 2021:

All Stats for Stories for November 2021:

  • National Family Caregivers Month: November
  • National Aviation History Month: November
  • National STEM Day: November 8
  • America Recycles Day: November 15
  • Geography Awareness Week & GIS Day: Nov 15-19 & 17
  • American Education Week: November 15-19
  • National Fast Food Day: November 16
  • World Children's Day & National Child's Day: November 20
  • National Family Week: November 21-27
  • Native American Heritage Day: November 26
  • Black Friday: November 26
  • Small Business Saturday: November 27
  • Cyber Monday : November 29
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Stats for Stories (SFS) links you to U.S. Census Bureau statistics about current events, observances, holidays and anniversaries. These newsworthy and timely stats will help bring your stories to life.

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