Aval puttu recipe | Vella puttu | Poha puttu | Gokulastami recipe | Aval vella puttu | Navaratri prasadam | crumbled sweet poha | avalakki sweet | sweet poha | poha jaggery puttu | festive sweet recipe step by step pictures and video recipe. You can also check out the Aval puttu recipe If you like this recipe pls SUBSCRIBE to my channel

Aval Puttu | Vella puttu | sweet puttu is an easy and tasty jaggery-based sweet recipe. Puttu is often prepared for Navaratri and Krishna Jayanthi. Puttu stays good for 2-3 days

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Vidya Srinivasan | October 11, 2021 at 5:44 pm | Tags: aval puttu, aval puttu in Tamil, Aval puttu recipe, Aval puttu recipe in Tamil, aval puttu tmf, aval puttu without lumps, Aval recipe in tamil, அவல் புட்டு, அவல் புட்டு இப்படி பண்ணி பாருங்க, அவல் புட்டு செய்வது எப்படி, சுலபமான அவல் புட்டு, சுவையான அவல் புட்டு, சுவையான புட்டு, திரும்ப கேட்டு வாங்க அவல் புட்டு, நெய் அவல் புட்டு செய்வது எப்படி, best aval puttu recipe, best puttu recipe, catering style Kalyana puttu, Dessert recipe, easiest foolproof puttu recipe, easy and tasty recipe, easy gokulashtami recipe, easy lump free puttu, festival sweet, flattened rice flakes puttu, gokulahstami recipe, healthy and tasty aval puttu recipe, home cooking puttu, hotel style puttu recipe, how to make aval puttu, how to make delicious puttu, how to make puttu, Indian dessert recipe, indian swee recipe, indian sweet recipe, Indians sweet. Recipe, jaggery puttu, janmashtami recipe, janmashtami special sweet, Kalyana aval puttu, Kalyana puttu, Kalyana puttu halwa, Kalyana puttu sweet recipe, Kerala style puttu recipe, krishna jayanthi puttu recipe, Krishna jayanthi recipe, krishnya jayanthi, naivedyam recipe, navarathri special recipe, navaratri aval puttu, navaratri recipe, navratri recipe, neivedhyam recipe, Poha puttu, poha puttu recipe, popular Kalyana puttu, puttu bath, puttu bath recipe, puttu recipe, puttu tmf, quick sweet recipe, secret for lump free puttu, sweet aval potty, sweet puttu, sweet puttu tmf, sweet recipe, tasty puttu, traditional sweet recipe, trick of the aval puttu puttu seivathu epadi, vella puttu, vella puttu tmf, vellam puttu | Categories: Festival Recipes | Indian festival special recipes, Indian sweet recipe, Krishna jayanthi recipes | Gokulashtami | janmashtami recipe | URL: https://traditionallymodernfood.com/?p=31729