Thursday, June 17, 2021

Let’s get back to business

COVID 19 – supporting employers

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Dear customer,

Plan for Jobs

Are you re-opening your business, or planning to do so shortly?

If you're bringing back your employees part time, you can claim furlough flexibly for them under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), part of the UK Government's Plan for Jobs.

You can currently claim for pay periods in Ju‌ne and Ju‌‌ly.

If you submitted a claim for May and need to make a change because you didn't claim enough, you can also do this until 28‌‌ ‌June.

To help you plan ahead for future claim periods, the CJRS calculator is available to help you work out how much you can claim for employees in June, July, August and September.

For the latest information, join our live webinar. You can ask questions throughout using the on-screen text box, although we can't discuss personal circumstances.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme webinar

We'll look at:

  • who can claim 
  • who you can claim for 
  • how to calculate what you can claim
  • how to apply.

There are useful handouts for you to download and we'll also send you a link to a recording after the live webinar.

If you're a small or medium-sized employer with under 250 employees, you may also be eligible for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme.

View our recorded webinar about the Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme on HMRC's YouTube channel, for further guidance on the scheme, including who you can claim for, how to claim and what you may be entitled to.

You can also find out what other financial support may be available for you and your business as part of the UK Government's Plan for Jobs, by searching 'find coronavirus financial support' on GOV‌‌.UK.

We'll continue to review our webinars to give the most up-to-date information, and welcome your feedback at the end of the session too.

Yours sincerely


Jim Harra

Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary – HMRC

To find out all of the ways you can contact us and our opening times go to

GOV.UK – contact HMRC

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