Saturday, May 8, 2021



Things Mom Used to Say

Posted: 08 May 2021 02:22 AM PDT

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

During the first few months after her death, I found myself panicked and worried that I was going to lose the essence of who my Mom was. I have a small collection of voicemails, Snapchat videos (with fun filters!), and photos of her on my phone. I became obsessive about finding everything I had with her in it.  I also started a NOTES folder on my phone of Things My Mom Used to Say. Whenever something would come up, I'd jot it down hoping to hand-letter them someday (when I felt my handwriting was good enough!).

For the first two years after her death, I participated in the #100daychallenge to help keep my creativity alive.  If you're not familiar with a 100-day challenge, you pick a themed project to work (artwise) on daily for 100 days straight. It’s something that is documented by many participants on Instagram. 

In 2018, I worked on #100daysartbeforebreakfast  where I spent 100 days drawing and painting florals before eating breakfast in the morning. 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

In 2019,  I decided to do more handwriting practice and write words that had meaning or were thought-provoking for 100 days with #shutterbeanwords.

And then in April of 2020 when we were all home due to a pandemic, I decided it was the right time to start hand-lettering the things my Mom used to say. I had three more years of handwriting practice under my belt so I was ready. 

See:  #100thingsMomusedtosay

For a hundred days, I shared parts of my Mom with the world. The pandemic stirred up a lot of grief (for everyone!) and I found it to be a great way to keep her spirit close when I needed a Mom the most. 

When I finished in July, I set out to make a book with all the sayings.  I used the BookWright program through Blurb and worked on putting it together after Cooper went to bed at night during lockdown. In order to stay motivated, I gave myself the goal to have this book done at least a month before Christmas so I could get it printed and gift copies to my family members. Turns out I work really well with deadlines and I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

Here's the cover.  I took this picture of my Mom during the last year of her life. We were at one of her favorite places- the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco. This is the first thing she said to me when we saw this statue.  She would have gotten a kick out of it! 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

In the book, I alternated between black and white and moved things around so some of her quotes would play well off of each other. 

It turned out to be 106 pages total. 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

Here are some of my faves: 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

She would tell me to lighten up when I didn’t think something was a joke. 

“Cool your jets!” was something she said to the men in my family. 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

Some tough life lessons!

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

You can see more of her sayings on the hashtag- #100thingsMomusedtosay 

On her last Mother’s Day (I didn’t know it was her last!) I made her this. 

I wanted to include it in the book. 

Three years later, I re-lettered it and added more:

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

Here’s a closeup of that. SHE WAS A TREASURE, that’s FOR SURE. 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

And a little photo collage of my beautiful Mom!  

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

I ended it with something she used to say ALL THE TIME.

(She never liked being interrupted.)

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

Love Always, Mom! 

Things Mom Used to Say Book by Tracy Benjamin of

When I feel the need for love/support from my Mom, I just flip through the book and see what saying I land on first. It's like pulling a tarot card or getting a fortune. It’s truly magical! 

See for yourself! 


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My brothers, Dad, and niece were happy to receive one for Christmas. They all have their own special relationship to her sayings and I am glad they can keep her close by now too. 

If you find yourself on a holiday like Mother's Day or Father's Day and you miss your parents, please remember that you're definitely not alone. It can be such a huge trigger to see so many people be able to celebrate with their Moms when you cannot. 

My Mom would always tell me:

And I did just that! 

If I can inspire at least one person by sharing my healing process, I know my Mom would be absolutely proud.  <3

Thank you so much for your support throughout these years. I appreciate how kind you’ve all been as I navigate my life without her. 

The post Things Mom Used to Say appeared first on Shutterbean.

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