Monday, May 24, 2021

ONR News - 24 May 2021

In this issue of ONR News: Chief Executive's update; Farewell reflections to Adriènne; COVID update...
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24 May 2021

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Welcome to ONR news

Dr Mina Golshan at Sellafield

Every single one of us at ONR comes to work to protect society from nuclear hazards. Our singular goal – to keep the public safe – drives us each and every day.

Over the last 15 months, we have continued to regulate effectively, through three lockdowns, and gained assurance that the nuclear industry is operating safely during the pandemic. 

I am extremely proud of the whole ONR team, who've responded with a positive mindset despite personal challenges to achieve more remotely than anyone thought possible, and to turn perceived problems into opportunities for new future ways of working.  

In this edition of ONR News, you can read more about our COVID-19 response and how we have continued with essential regulatory work, including giving permission for the two reactors at Hunterston B to return to service following extensive scrutiny.

We also introduce Jean Llewellyn, our new Security Non-Executive Director, known to many in the sector as someone with outstanding integrity and a commitment to the nuclear skills agenda needed to maintain ONR's strategic capability.

As I prepare to say goodbye to ONR, I reflect on leading our team over the past five and a half years to become more cohesive, inclusive and stakeholder focused.

And we share the results of our latest stakeholder survey which - as always - continue to help shape our priorities and ways of engaging and communicating with you.

Adriènne Kelbie
Chief Executive

Farewell reflections - Adriènne Kelbie CBE

Adrienne Kelbie Feb 2019 200-200

On 31 May, I will step away from ONR after five and a half years. It has been my honour to lead the ONR team to become more cohesive, inclusive and stakeholder focused. Here, I share some reflections that I hope resonate with you.

More from Adriènne

Leadership update

It was last December when we announced our plans to align our leadership structure to that of other similar regulators by creating a combined post Chief Executive/Chief Nuclear Inspector.

On 1 June 2021, current Chief Nuclear Inspector, Mark Foy, will formally step into this new role and over recent months has been working closely with Adriènne to ensure an effective handover as she prepares to leave us.

Find out more

Farewell to Adriènne - Mark McAllister, ONR Chair

Mark McAllister

In her five and a half years at the helm, Adriènne has seen ONR become a transformed and mature organisation, expertly steered by her work on organisational modernisation, focusing on improving our culture, values, openness and transparency and diversity and inclusion.

She has created a strong, cohesive leadership team that can take the organisation forward as a modern, transparent regulator. As the stakeholder survey has indicated, Adriènne's clear lead on organisational development means ONR is seen as professional, trusted, independent, with a clear purpose by those we regulate, and those for whom we regulate.

I, and my Board, would like to thank Adriènne sincerely for her exemplary leadership of the organisation, ensuring ONR is in a great position to deliver our Strategy 2020-25, ensuring we continue to protect society by securing safe nuclear operations.

Mark McAllister
ONR Chair

What do you think of ONR?

Katie Day

We are here to protect society by securing safe nuclear operations, and that means we must build and maintain trust and confidence in what we do. It is why inspiring stakeholder confidence is one of one of the four strategic themes set out in our Strategy 2020-25.

Find out more

Katie Day
Policy and Communications Director

COVID-19 update

While the pandemic has changed the way we all work, worker and public safety has remained our priority throughout. And we remain satisfied with industry's response and judge that there has been no significant change to dutyholders' safety and security resilience as a result of COVID-19.

Find out more

Permission to restart at Hunterston B

We routinely use knowledge, operational experience and trends to inform more strategic, risk-based interventions and influence proportionate improvements across the nuclear industry.

In April, following extensive scrutiny of the safety case, we gave permission for EDF to return to service the two reactors  at Hunterston B power station for their final period of operation (approximately six months) before they move into the defueling phase. Our specialist inspectors are satisfied that the reactors are safe to operate during this period and can be safely shut down if required.

Find out more

Fukushima: 10 years on

Spring 2021 marked the 10-year anniversary of the nuclear accident at Fukushima, Japan, when a major tsunami caused catastrophic damage to the power plant site.

On the anniversary of the disaster, we looked back at the events and spoke to ONR staff who played a key role in responding to the incident on behalf of the UK and the international community.

Find out more

'It's a vibrant and forward-looking organisation that I'm proud to be a part of…'

Our newest Board member Jean Llewellyn joined us in October 2020. We caught up with Jean to talk about why she joined our Board, learn more about her career, and find out what it was like joining ONR remotely because of the pandemic restrictions.

More from Jean Llewellyn

Jean Llewellyn

Read all of our news articles

Office for Nuclear Regulation - 4S.3 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS

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