Monday, May 17, 2021

HSE Pesticides eBulletin - Annual charges 2020/2021

This eBulletin includes information on the Plant Protection Products (PPP) regulation in Great Britain

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HSE eBulletin

2020/2021 Pesticides Annual Charge

Declaration of UK turnover, net of VAT for products approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (COPR) or authorised under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009

Deadline for submission – Friday 25 June 2021


Each year, the Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE, writes to authorisation holders asking them to declare details of their UK turnover, net of VAT, for products authorised under the following regimes:

  • plant protection products (PPP) approved under COPR;
  • plant protection products (PPP) authorised under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and
  • biocidal* products approved under COPR and

A declaration form (DTL1) is now available for you to complete. This will be e-mailed to you no later than 17 May 2021. 


If you have not received this, please contact


Authorisation holders will be invoiced for the appropriate amount direct from HSE via DWP Shared Services in Autumn 2021.


There are separate annual charge rates for the three regimes listed above. These rates are set each year as a percentage of the specific product group turnover declared within the accounting period. The current accounting period is set out in the Guidance document which accompanies the DTL1 form.


The table below shows the respective rates charged over the last 5 years.














 PPP Regulation
 (EC) No 1107/2009 Rate






 Biocidal COPR Rate







For further information on the Annual Charge please contact


* Sales value should not include any products now approved under the Biocidal Products Regulations (BPR)



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