Saturday, May 8, 2021

๐ŸŒนHappy Mother's Day!! Here's how you can show your ๐Ÿ’•love!

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Hi There!


Happy Mother's Day!! ๐ŸŒน 


I hope everyone is able to celebrate Mother's Day in a yummy way! In case you want to cook something for Mother's day, here are some great ideas for an easy and delicious meal.


Last weekend, for the first time since the pandemic, our neighbors gathered in our backyard for some wine and food. We were all vaccinated and had past the 2 week mark and the CDC just happen to announce couple days before the party that all vaccinated people could gather safely outside without masks.. so we could finally relax and party together!! YAY!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

I made some fabulous (if I say so myself..hehe ๐Ÿคฃ) Korean Kalbi Tacos and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. I will also share the recipe below along with some tweaks I made to the recipe.


Do you want to have a traditional Korean meal for Mother's Day? Then I will share some great menu and planning tips for that too.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

and if you are missing your mom ๐Ÿ˜ข on this Mother's Day… ❤️ 

Hugs to you..๐Ÿ’• 

I hope you can celebrate your Mother's life, remembering all the love our Mothers poured out onto us so selflessly. We are all eternally grateful to moms all over the world. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’–





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Try Flap Steak - In my recipe, I use boneless short ribs (from Costco) and that still works great but I also tried using a Flap Steak meat (from Costco) and that was amazing!! As long as you cut against the grain.

Marinade - the original recipe marinade is on the less sweet side but I decided to add a bit of Maesil Syrup and a bit more Sesame Oil (cause these meats are not as fatty as short ribs or rib eye) and it came out even more perfect!!

Cabbage Slaw - Instead of using fresh cabbage slaw with the dressing drizzled, I decided to just pickle the slaw in the dressing about an hour before serving time. I think this works better cause the slaw absorbs the wonderful flavor.


SO NOW YOU KNOW!! No one else gets these kinds of tips from me except for those who are subscribed to my newsletters!!

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Don't like beef? 

You can make Chicken Bulgogi and use that instead of beef for Taco.

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Here's my top go to menu combination whenever I have a Kalbi Party -

- Use my Blender Kalbi Recipe to make quick and easy Short Ribs. No need to marinate a day ahead - as long as it's like 4-6 hrs before or more in advance. So it's not too late!

Make Potato Salad, Green Onion Salad, Radish Salad and of course serve with some rice and Kimchi. 

Read all about my tips and recipe links from my Best Korean BBQ Party Menu and Tips post.


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I recently made these together for another party and it was a big HIT! And it was so easy to do - made the dressing and mayo sauce in advance. I also prepared the greens for the salad ahead of time.

On the day, I just cooked the soba noddles and then kept it drained and covered.

ABOUT AN HOUR BEFORE - I took out the salmon out of the fridge, sprinkled salt, pepper and lemon juice. Then had the oven preheated and about 30 min. before serving, I covered salmon with Mayo sauce and baked it per my recipe. A few minute before Salmon was ready, I just tossed the noodle salad and served it together. 

It was so simple but yummy!!


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Take care and stay healthy!

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