Wednesday, May 12, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Public Works Board announces free infrastructure training webinars

Topics include system management, cybersecurity, cross-jurisdictional projects and rate setting

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MAY 12, 2020

Washington Public Works Board announces infrastructure training webinars

Topics include system management, cybersecurity, cross-jurisdictional projects and rate setting

OLYMPIA, Wash. –The Washington State Public Works Board will host four free infrastructure training webinars in May and June. The target audience is public works directors, managers, operators and elected officials. Water and wastewater operator Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are pending.

Mitigating, Managing, and Moving Past Emergency Situations, May 27, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No matter how well managed, all systems encounter emergency situations. By sharing experiences and lessons learned, emergency management plans can be improved and jurisdictions can be more prepared to minimize the impact of unforeseen situations. Register for this Zoom webinar to hear about overcoming broken force mains, tornadoes, storm damage, and landslides.

Managing for Success and Funders Panel, June 2, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Effective system management decreases service interruptions, protects clients, ensures regulatory compliance, and increases resilience in a changing world. Register for this Zoom webinar to learn how one utility district went from failing to overachieving and how districts are addressing cybersecurity. A funders panel will also give participants the opportunity to hear from and ask question of federal, state, and private infrastructure funding programs.

Building Relationships, Planning and Completing Cross-Jurisdictional Projects, June 11, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Community does not end at a jurisdictional border, and infrastructure projects do not need to either. By collaborating with surrounding districts, infrastructure projects can be more effective, less expensive, and more sustainable. Register for this Zoom webinar to learn how to build and maintain intergovernmental relationships, develop public/private partnerships, coordinate planning and execution, and maintain Growth Management Act compliance while thinking and working regionally.

Rate Setting and Customer Assistance Programs, June 16, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Water and wastewater rates should bring in enough revenue to cover the cost of providing service today and into the future. All utilities should prepare for inevitable future capital costs in their budgets. Register for this Zoom webinar to learn strategies and tools that can help you identify the revenues needed to cover operations, maintenance, and capital costs, and how to set rates to generate those revenues. Additionally, learn about long term system planning and customer assistance program requirements and options.

For those who are unable to attend in person, these webinars will be recorded and posted on the Public Works Board website.



Jason Freeze, Public Works Board Resource and Development Project Manager, 360-725-3161

Penny Thomas, Commerce Communications, 206-256-6106

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