Monday, May 17, 2021

eFwletin HSE Cymru / HSE Wales eBulletin

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eFwletin Cymru / 

HSE Wales eBulletin


eFwletin HSE Cymru / HSE Wales eBulletin

Cyhoeddwyd: 17 Mai 2021 / Issued: 17 May 2021

I gael gwybodaeth am hapwiriadau ac archwiliadau COVID wrth i fesurau cyfyngiadau symud leddfu, gweler isod. / For information on COVID spot checks and inspections as lockdown measures are eased, please see below.

Welsh flag  

Mae hapwiriadau ac archwiliadau COVID yn parhau wrth i fesurau cyfyngiadau symud godi

Wrth i gyfyngiadau symud leddfu, mae HSE yn parhau i gynnal hapwiriadau ac archwiliadau ar fusnesau ym mhob maes i wirio bod ganddynt fesurau diogel o ran COVID ar waith.

Mae bod yn ddiogel o ran COVID yn golygu bod yn addasadwy i'r canllawiau cyfredol a rhoi mesurau ar waith i reoli'r risg o goronafeirws a sicrhau bod gweithwyr yn eu dilyn 

Yn ystod yr hapwiriadau a'r archwiliadau, bydd HSE yn darparu arweiniad lle bo angen ond, lle nad yw busnesau'n rheoli'r risg, cymerir camau ar unwaith. 

Gwneud eich gweithle yn ddiogel o ran COVID

Dylai fod gan bob gweithle asesiad risg COVID, a dylid ei ddiweddaru'n rheolaidd. Gan ddefnyddio'r asesiad risg dylech roi mesurau rheoli gweithle ar waith sy'n cynnwys:

  • Gweithio gartref
  • Cadw pellter cymdeithasol
  • Awyru digonol
  • Glanhau a golchi dwylo'n gyson
  • Gweithwyr bregus

Dylech hefyd siarad â'ch gweithwyr a'u cynnwys yn y mesurau rydych yn eu rhoi ar waith pan fyddwch yn gwneud eich gweithle yn ddiogel o ran COVID.

Os ydych wedi bod i ffwrdd o'ch gweithle ers cryn amser, mae yna fesurau iechyd a diogelwch eraill y gallai fod angen i chi feddwl amdanynt wrth i chi ddychwelyd: 

Gall dod yn ôl i waith fod yn anodd i rai gweithwyr

Mae gan gyflogwyr ddyletswydd gyfreithiol i ddiogelu gweithwyr rhag straen yn y gwaith trwy wneud asesiad risg a gweithredu arno. Gorau po gyntaf y bydd problem yn cael ei nodi a mynd i'r afael â'r lleiaf o effaith y bydd yn ei chael.

Mae gan HSE ystod o gefnogaeth ac arweiniad ymarferol ar gael i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles yn y gwaith gan gynnwys templedi asesu risg ar gyfer straen, pecynnau cymorth siarad i helpu i ddechrau sgyrsiau gyda'ch cydweithwyr, llyfrau gwaith, posteri, ap symudol ac offeryn dangosydd straen awtomataidd. 

Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i adran straen gwefan HSE.

Os yw gweithwyr wedi bod i ffwrdd o'r busnes am gyfnodau hir, efallai eu bod wedi profi dirywiad mewn gallu neu hyfedredd. Efallai y bydd angen amser a chefnogaeth ychwanegol arnynt i fynd yn ôl i berfformiad cyn-bandemig. 

Archwilio a phrofi offer

Os yw offer wedi'i storio neu heb ei ddefnyddio am gyfnodau hir, gwiriwch ef am ddifrod neu ddirywiad. 

Rydym wedi diweddaru cyngor ar archwilio a phrofi offer yn drylwyr wrth i gyfyngiadau gael eu lleddfu.


Os yw eich adeilad wedi cau neu wedi lleihau deiliadaeth yn ystod y cyfyngiadau coronafirws, gall marweidd-dra'r system ddŵr ddigwydd oherwydd diffyg defnydd, gan gynyddu peryglon clefyd y 'Legionnaires'.

Gwelwch ein harweiniad ar risgiau legionella yn ystod y pandemig coronafeirws.

Mwy o wybodaeth

Mae mwy o fanylion ar gadw'ch gweithle yn ddiogel wrth i gyfyngiadau coronafeirws gael eu lleddfu ar gael ar ein gwefan ac mae arweiniad pellach gan y llywodraeth ar gael ar gyfer Lloegr, yr Alban a Chymru.


COVID spot checks and inspections continue as lockdown measures are lifted

As lockdown eases, HSE is continuing to carry out spot checks and inspections on businesses in all areas to check they have COVID-secure measures in place.

Being COVID-secure means being adaptable to the current guidance and putting measures in place to manage the risk of coronavirus and making sure workers are following them.

During the spot checks and inspections, HSE will provide guidance where required but, where businesses are not managing the risk, immediate action will be taken.

Making your workplace COVID-secure

Every workplace should have a COVID risk assessment, and it should be updated regularly. Using the risk assessment you should put workplace control measures in place which include:

  • Working from home
  • Social distancing
  • Adequate ventilation
  • Frequent cleaning and handwashing
  • Vulnerable workers

You should also talk to your workers and involve them in the measures you're putting in place when making your workplace COVID-secure.

If you have been away from your workplace for some time, there are other health and safety measures you may need to think about as you return:

Coming back to work may be difficult for some workers 

Employers have a legal duty to protect employees from stress at work by doing a risk assessment and acting on it. The earlier a problem is identified and tackled the less impact it will have. 

HSE has a range of practical support and guidance available to support mental health and wellbeing at work including risk assessment templates for stress, talking toolkits to help start conversations with your colleagues, workbooks, posters, a mobile app and an automated stress indicator tool.

For more information visit the stress section of HSE's website.

If employees have been away from the business for prolonged periods they may have experienced a decline in ability or proficiency. They may need additional time and support to get back to pre-pandemic performance.

Examining and testing equipment

If equipment has been stored or unused for long periods of time, check it for damage or deterioration.

We have updated advice on thorough examination and testing of equipment as restrictions are eased.



If your building has been closed or had reduced occupancy during the coronavirus restrictions, water system stagnation can occur due to lack of use, increasing the risks of Legionnaires' disease.

See our guidance on legionella risks during the coronavirus pandemic.

More information

Get further details on keeping your workplace safe as coronavirus restrictions are eased is available on our website and further government guidance is available for England, Scotland and Wales.



Information on health and safety at work in Wales is available on HSE's website
This bulletin provides a sample of the wide range of information that can be found under 'What's New' on HSE's website
Please feel free to use this information and pass it on, using your own networks.

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