Sunday, May 16, 2021

Easy Spinach Feta Chicken Meatballs!🌿😍

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Hi reader,

As you know I'm kind of a meatball maven.  I could eat meatballs every day for the rest of my life… especially when they are filled with delicious flavor and healthy ingredients.

Like these spinach feta chicken meatballs! 

They're loaded with lean protein, spinach, feta cheese and so much delicious flavor.

Dip them in a yummy whipped feta sauce and enjoy as an app, or put them over a salad, zucchini noodles, or cauliflower rice for a tasty low-carb/gluten free meal.   Or if you're not counting carbs, serve them on jasmine rice or with some warm pita bread!

Do you have any kitchen questions you'd like me to answer, or a tip you think my readers would enjoy?  Please reply to this email and let me know!

Kitchen Tips and Hacks
to Save you Time and Money:

Storing and Extending the Shelf Life of Fresh Herbs!

For Parsley & Cilantro:
  • When you bring your herbs home from the grocery, remove any twist ties or rubber bands and discard.  Next, remove any herb sprigs that are going bad, or any small sprigs that you wouldn't really use.  
  • If the herbs are really wet, gently dab with a paper towel.  Separate the stems a bit, then wrap the bunch completely in paper towels.  Place back in the thin plastic bag from the grocery store and store in the veggie/crisper drawer.
  • You can also store parsley and cilantro in a small drinking glass:  
    • Remove any herbs that look like they're going bad, or are really small.  Then cut the ends off the remaining stems.  
    • Fill a small glass with enough cold water to submerge all the stems (be sure that the herbs themselves aren't touching the water… only the stems).
    • Loosely wrap a paper towel around the leaves and set the glass upright in the refrigerator.
  • You can refresh limp parsley and cilantro in a bowl filled with cold water and ice.  Cut the end off the stems and set them in cold ice water for about 15 minutes, then place the herbs on a kitchen towel.  Dab with paper towel and allow to air dry.
For Mint, Basil, & Dill:
  • Leave the herbs in the container they came in, and do not wash them or get them wet.  
  • Place the fresh herbs in a freezer zip lock and store in the veggie/crisper drawer.  
  • This will prevent the cold temps from damaging the leaves but also preserve their shelf life.
Works every time!
Click Here For The Recipe.


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