Friday, May 14, 2021

Director's Update - May 2021

Historic budget impact at Commerce; Broadband update; Small business & nonprofit assistance

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Historic budget accelerates investments in helping businesses, families and local governments rebound and grow

As you are likely aware by now, the 2021-23 state biennial budget makes historic investments in Washington's recovery and growth trajectory coming out of the pandemic. At Commerce, we are preparing for significant work ahead as we implement a $2.7 million operating budget and $2.4 million in capital funding.

Our team is growing - we're recruiting exceptional team members, so I invite you to check out and share positions currently posted and watch for more here as we enhance our capabilities, particularly around equity and inclusion, and economic development and community outreach. As always, Commerce will be well-equipped to tackle the big challenges ahead, and we're excited to be tasked with so many important programs that will strengthen communities throughout the state over the next two years and beyond. Here are some highlights from the 2021 session and budget…

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Broadband Update

Washington state goes big to lead the nation in breaking down barriers to digital equity

"Broadband is infrastructure."

That was it. That was the tweet. And it was a powerful signal of just how crucial broadband has become to strengthening the nation's economic and social future.

As the United States rebuilds its way out of a pandemic that crushed sectors of the economy and exposed deep-rooted inequities in the workplace and within communities of color, President Joe Biden unveiled his American Jobs Plan that includes $100 billion to build out broadband infrastructure and make internet service more affordable to more people. In Washington state, the Legislature just passed historic new broadband and digital equity investments in its most recent session.

Read the full story on Commerce's Medium page


Photo of outdoor ribbon cutting at Public Works project in Pomeroy

Janea Delk from the Community Economic Revitalization Board (to my right) and I, along with Commerce's Assistant Director for Local Government Mark Barkley (behind the camera!), joined local officials in Pomeroy this week to celebrate completion of the Port of Garfield's gig-speed broadband project. This is a stellar model of collaboration between public and private partners that will help us build out broadband statewide. 


APPLY NOW: FCC program connects consumers to internet access during COVID-19

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) just launched the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program, a temporary program that helps families and households who are struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This program provides a discount up to $75/month on monthly high-speed internet bills for qualifying low-income households and a one-time discount of up to $100  for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.

Learn more and apply

Road to Recovery

APPLY NOW: Nonprofit Community Recovery grant application open

ArtsFund logo

Commerce is pleased to partner with ArtsFund to administer over $10 million in Nonprofit Community Recovery (NCR) grants.

Nonprofits help build community; their recovery is critical to a thriving post-pandemic economy and healthy communities within Washington. These pandemic recovery grants will be administered by ArtsFund to Washington nonprofits meeting the eligibility requirements listed below. Organizations that are led by and/or serve under-resourced communities, culturally diverse populations, and underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

Learn more and apply


Commerce awards $234 million in 4th round of Working Washington Small Business grants

Commerce has awarded an additional $234 million in Working Washington relief and recovery grants to 11,697 small businesses impacted by the pandemic. Of those receiving grants, over 20% indicated  that they will use the money to assist them in reopening, while the remaining said they will cover operating expenses.

"While we are through the worst of the pandemic, small businesses have been hit hard, especially in rural and ethnic communities, and in several industries such as hospitality and entertainment," said Commerce Director Lisa Brown. "We continue to focus our grant programs on sectors most disproportionately impacted or businesses most likely to be left out of federal aid programs, hoping to minimize the risk of a 'k-shaped recovery' where some succeed more easily while others are left behind."

Read more 

Talking "green jobs" with KHQ-TV

Screenshot of KHQ video frame of green jobs story

From creating more energy efficient buildings to installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure, Washington is aggressively investing in a clean energy future. I was pleased to talk with KHQ-TV reporter Bradley Warren recently about the jobs and business opportunities that are here now and will only expand as we transition to a greener economy, including an electricity supply 100% free of greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. 

See the full story here  

Our Energy Division at Commerce is playing an important role in many aspects of the state's transition to clean energy and environmental justice initiatives, including significant investments through our Clean Energy Fund.

Learn more 

Hope House ribbon cutting ceremony image

Hope for homeless women

I was honored to join in the April 26 opening of the new Hope House shelter in Spokane. With 60 apartments and 100 beds, it will serve hundreds of women and others in need of supportive housing. The Washington Legislature and Commerce have proudly helped invest in the original and new Hope House facilities operated by Volunteers of America. Many thanks to VOA and all our local partners who work so tirelessly to end homelessness in Washington state. Learn more about all of Commerce's homelessness programs here.

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