Friday, October 18, 2024

No more guilt!

5 Things To Stop Feeling Guilty About At Dinner

5 Things To Stop Feeling Guilty About At Dinner

Inside: It's easy to feel guilt about what your kid's eating (or not eating) at mealtime. Here's why you can relax.

From the very first moment of motherhood, it can feel like there are endless things making you feel like a lousy mom.

Maybe it's a well-meaning but judgy comment from someone or a self-inflicted shame spiral after seeing a "perfect mom" with her "perfect family" (as if) on social media.

Food is one of the biggies: How you feed your child, what your child eats, what your child doesn't eat. As a dietitian, I've gone on a few food-related guilt trips myself over the years (see: The Biggest Lessons I've Learned About Feeding Kids).

In case someone hasn't told you lately: You're not a lousy mom. You're a great mom. And just in case you need extra encouragement today, I'm here to say you can officially stop feeling guilty about these five things at dinnertime.

#1. Uneaten vegetables

Yes, vegetables are good for us. But they are not the end-all-be-all of foods. In other words, if you kid hates every single of them, all hope is not lost.

Keep Reading 5 Things To Stop Feeling Guilty About At Dinner at Real Mom Nutrition

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