Thursday, June 17, 2021

Weekly Digest: update on the easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions

HSE's Weekly Digest e-bulletin: 17 June 2021

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Weekly Digest eBulletin

An update on the easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions

As recently announced, from 21 June there will be a 4-week pause at Step 3 of the roadmap for easing restrictions in England.

After 2 weeks, the UK government will review the data to see if the risks have reduced. It's expected that England will move to Step 4 on 19 July.


The Scottish and Welsh Governments are also reviewing their planning for the lifting of restrictions, which may also be delayed. 


The latest GOV.UK guidance includes guidance on going to work. You should continue to work from home if you can. There is also information if you are in an area where a new COVID-19 variant is spreading.


You can also check the latest GOV.Scot and GOV.Wales guidance on working safely.


Businesses should continue to follow the relevant government guidance on working safely and put in place measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.


It is vital that workplaces continue to be COVID-secure following on from completing a COVID risk assessment. The following workplace controls remain unchanged:

Working safely


Please refer to your relevant guidance:

Health and safety spot checks and inspections are continuing. Further information is available on our website.


You can keep up to date by checking our page on keeping workplaces safe as restrictions are eased.

Manage the risks and prevent hand-arm vibration syndrome

worker using chainsaw

Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) can be caused by using hand-held power tools for prolonged periods of time.

It is a painful, disabling disease of the hands affecting blood vessels, nerves and joints.


Take a look at our HAVS website to find out what you need to do to prevent this painful disease.


It includes key messages and resources including the hand-arm vibration calculator


HSE's guidance book Hand-arm vibration (L140) covers the management and control of the risks from exposure and how to protect employees.


Download or purchase a copy of Hand-arm vibration (L140).

Construction company fined after an employee hit and killed by a dumper truck

BAM Nuttall Limited has been fined £700,000 after an employee was run over by a dumper vehicle.

The employee was changing over a blade on a piece of work equipment at the side of a roadway when he was run over by a six-tonne dumper truck. He sustained serious pelvic injuries and died as a result.


Read this press release for full details.


Other recent enforcement news includes:

Supporting Men's Health Week 14 - 20 June

male construction worker sat on floor

HSE has a range of practical support and guidance available to help you manage health and wellbeing at work for yourself and others.

Employers have a legal duty to protect workers from harm at work by doing risk assessment and acting on it. The earlier a problem is tackled, the less impact it will have.


For more information see our guidance on the most common causes of ill health at work:

Latest job vacancies

female office worker smiling talking on headset

Develop a career at HSE and help to protect lives and livelihoods.

For details of the highlighted opportunities, follow the links below: 

For a look at all our available vacancies, please visit this webpage.

You can get all the latest news and updates from HSE across a range of industries and topics.

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Health and Safety Executive - 5N1 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS

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