Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Subscribe to Newsletters on Twitter + Newsletters on Travel & Bad Dates

This week Twitter announced they're working on adding newsletter subscribe buttons to profiles but only for Revue newsletters. Would this make you consider switching email providers?
Plus the featured newsletters cover travel, bad dates, leadership, soap opera, barndominiums, and more!

Articles & Tools
Twitter to add a newsletter 'subscribe' button to profiles for simple sign-ups
Will Apple Mail threaten the newsletter boom?
Substack newsletter writers strive to solve the Gmail inbox
1,200+ companies sponsoring newsletters right now. Find your next sponsor.
Featured Newsletters
The Shift
Stefan's Web Weekly
Travel With
Lu's Newsletter
Barndos Weekly
Better Normal
Bye For Now
Hope you enjoyed this week's issue! If you're interested in sponsoring InboxReads, you can book an ad here.
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Keenen at InboxReads
Keenen at InboxReads @inboxreads

A weekly roundup of interesting newsletters you just may love 💗

If you don't want these updates anymore, please unsubscribe here.
If you were forwarded this newsletter and you like it, you can subscribe here.
Created with Revue by Twitter.

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