Thursday, June 17, 2021

Pound Cake - everyone needs a good recipe!

I can shout from the rooftops that this is the BEST Pound Cake recipe ever and not come across like a big-headed food blogger because this isn't my recipe. :-) It's from the Cake Bible by Ruth Levy Berenbaum. She tested it over 40 times and we tried it many ways as well but couldn't improve on it! So I've taken the liberty of changing the name to the BEST Pound Cake. - Nagi & Dozer xx

Pound Cake

Get the recipe

Life of Dozer

I'm heading down to Tasmania for the Dark MOFO festival, a big music/art/FOOD even in Hobart!! I'm excited. Dozer, not so much. (Though the second he gets to the golden retriever boarders' house, he forgets all about me….)

Postcards from Tasmania coming your way next week! N x

- Nagi x

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