Wednesday, June 16, 2021

McDonald's And Civil Rights

Black capitalism as a path to civil rights
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What McDonald's Can Tell Us About Black America

Growing up as a Black kid in Chicago, Dr. Marcia Chatelain says she learned more about Black history from McDonald's than from her fancy prep school. Now, as a professor of history and African American studies, Dr. Chatelain is exploring the role that McDonald's has played in Black communities since its founding in the 1940s. In many places, McDonald's has been a community hub and a pathway to business ownership for Black entrepreneurs. But it's also been a tool for those seeking to preserve segregation. We dig into the chain's complicated legacy. Plus, I take my family to a very special McDonald's on Long Island.

Dr. Chatelain's book, which won the Pulitzer Prize in History last week, is Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America. Her newsletter is Your Favorite Prof.

Listen to this week's Sporkful episode through our website, StitcherApple Podcasts, or Spotify.


- I'm eating roti in all its forms.

- Emma is eating miso-glazed eggplant.

- Andres is eating vegan Caribbean patties at Punchline Juice Bar in Crown Heights.


- I'm watching Bo Burnham's new comedy special Inside, which he made by himself in one room over the course of the pandemic. It's bizarre and brilliant.

- Emma is reading Jaya Saxena's review of Wolfgang, the new documentary about Wolfgang Puck.

- Andres is reading about radical urban gardeners in NYC.

Take care,

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