Friday, June 18, 2021

Easy Summer Activities for Kids

Activities for the kids that will keep them busy all summer long!

Kids have been out or are shortly getting out of school for the summer and that means changes to a lot of our schedules. With kids home more during the summer the inevitable and dreaded "I'm bored" is bound to be heard a time or two. If you're finding yourself in need of a few extra activities to add a little more fun into your summer this year, or just need some fresh activities and easy dinner recipes for your family -- you are in luck. We have created a printable pack just for you, it's jam-packed with 50 activities for kids and families and it is 100% FREE!

As we look to our summer days I know that this will be one of the activities on our to-do list for sure! This fun kids activity only requires 2 ingredients, and one is water! DIY Sidewalk Chalk paint is a washable colored paint that you can use to be creative on sidewalks and driveways. It takes just minutes to whip up and both kids and adults will have hours of fun with it!

Do you want more time with family this 
summer ...and less time in the kitchen?

Summer weekly dinner planning is easy with our Summer, Simplified Meal Plan Package.
Need help? Have a question?
Reach out to us at, or reply to this email, and we will come to your rescue!

Our Best Bites 1880 W Cobalt Point Way Ste. 200 Meridian, Idaho 83642 United States


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