Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! 💛

Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving today! I hope you enjoy a wonderful day of delicious food, warm memories, and a full heart.

This year has perhaps been the most challenging of our lives. I am so grateful this Thanksgiving that all five of us are home together, under one roof, celebrating this holiday. We are not states away. We are not in a hospital. We are home, together. Dominic is not in an immunocompromised state, he has loads of energy and a great appetite. For all of this, we are thankful.

I'm also incredibly thankful for all of you! Thank you for sharing this space with me, for sharing all of life's highs (marriage and babies!) and lows with me. Especially in this most trying year, thank you doesn't even begin to express our gratitude for how you have all rallied around our family and Dominic, showering us with your prayers, messages, emails, cards, packages, and everything in between. You are the most wonderful kind of people. ✨

Have an incredibly blessed Thanksgiving and thank you all, again, from the bottom of our hearts.

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