Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Will it be a scorcher or scourge?
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Hey there,

Have you told yourself that THIS will be the year you finally get fit?

That THIS will be the summer you reveal your best "beach-ready" body ever?

That THIS will be your time to find your place in the sun?

Well, guess what?

No matter how many times you've tried before . . .

No matter how out of shape you currently are . . .

And no matter how confused and frustrated you might be . . .

You CAN do it.

Tens of thousands of people of all ages and circumstances do it each and every year, so why not YOU? 


You see, in the last 9 years, I've sold well over a million books and worked with legions (har har har) of people, and I'm here to tell you that building your best body ever is far easier than you've been led to believe.

You don't have to starve yourself, give up all the foods that you like, or do a bunch of grueling workouts that you hate.

Yes, I'm saying that you can get that sexy six-pack while (literally) having your cake and eating it too.

Better yet, I can prove it.

For example, Tammy had been struggling to get the body she wanted for years. She tried circuit training, her own workouts, you name it, but felt completely stuck.

Well, here's what just 12 weeks of Legion coaching did for her:

She lost 10 pounds and 6% body fat, gained lean muscle in all the right places, and increased her whole-body strength . . . and this is just the beginning!

Another one that I love:

After making excuses for years, Derrick decided to finally take responsibility for his health and fitness.  

He signed up for my Legion coaching, and just 3 months later, he had dropped 9 pounds, 4% body fat, and 3 inches off his waist:

Next there's Matthew, who gained significant strength and 6.5 pounds of muscle in just 90 days:

I could share dozens of other stories just like these, but here's my point:

Transforming your physique just isn't that complicated when you have the right plan and help.

You can think of the process like baking—persnickety but not impenetrable. When you combine just enough of just the right ingredients—flour, leavener, sugar, salt, fat, and so forth—creating a righteous batch of confections is a cakewalk.

Forget or over- or underdose just one element, though, and you wind up with lumps of half-rotten tree bark.

Likewise, your body's recipe for robust fitness calls for several components, including calories, macros, food choices, exercise selection, volume, intensity, and more.

With enough study and experimentation, you can figure out the formula on your own, but if you'd rather take a shortcut, then you want to check out my one-on-one coaching service, which features . . .

⇒ An expert coach personally assigned to you, who will help you tackle YOUR biggest challenges, hold you accountable, and keep you progressing toward the body that you really want.

⇒ 100% made-for-you meal and training plans to help you lose fat, build muscle, and actually ENJOY the process.

⇒ Unlimited VIP email access to your coach, so you can get all of your most pressing fitness questions answered.

⇒ And more…

In other words, we take you by the hand and walk you through the entire process, from calculating your calories and macros to creating your custom meal and exercise plans to making adjustments based on how your body responds and more. 

Basically, we do everything we can to get our clients the absolute best results, and that's why many of them achieve more in just 90 days with us than during years of going it alone.

Curious if you can be next?

Click the button below to schedule your free consultation call now:

Schedule My Free Consultation

You have to hotfoot though because we only have 30 slots open, this email is going out to over 500,000 people, and it's first come, first served.

Oh, and this is NOT a high-pressure sales call, by the way. 

It's a friendly chat where we get to learn where you're at, where you've been, and where you want to go, and then determine whether the program is right for you.

So, hop to this first stepping stone, and let's see if you're ready to make the leap. Schedule your call now.

Go for it!


P.S. Summer is only a few months away, so if you want to shine on your next vacation, then you need to get started now.

Don't worry about how busy you are or how many things you have on your mind right now, either.

We've worked with every type of person you can imagine, and we always figure out how to make everything work.

Just schedule your call, learn about the program, and we can go from there. Here's that link again:

Want to earn cash back on every purchase you make? Click here to learn how.

Already have a rewards account? Click here to view your point balance.

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To unsubscribe, click here.

Legion Athletics, Inc. 1255 Cleveland St. Floor 4 Clearwater, FL 33755

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