Wednesday, April 21, 2021

HSE REACH eBulletin: 'Grandfathering' deadline 30 April 2021

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HSE eBulletin

REACH 'Grandfathering' Deadline: 30 April 2021

At the end of the EU Exit implementation period your UK-held EU REACH registration (as defined in Article 127A) has been carried over or 'grandfathered' into UK REACH.


In an analogous way, existing UK-held registrations for On-site Isolated Intermediates, Transported Isolated Intermediates and PPORD exemptions are grandfathered into UK REACH (Articles 127L, 127M and 127K respectively).


By 30 April 2021: GB-based holders of existing registrations and PPORDs under EU REACH must submit information in accordance with the transitional provisions of UK REACH.


What you should do to grandfather your registration

You will need to provide some information about your registration dossier in IUCLID 6 format, through the Comply with UK REACH service on GOV.UK. Guidance on how to Grandfather an existing EU registration under Articles 127B, 127L or 127M of UK REACH (as appropriate) is available.


The guidance outlines the information that you are required to submit.


What you should do to grandfather your PPORD

You will need to notify HSE, via email, of the relevant information required as per Article 9(2) of the REACH regulation. Guidance on how to Grandfather an EU REACH PPORD is available.


The guidance outlines the information that you are required to submit in accordance with Article 127K of UK REACH.


UK REACH service on GOV.UK

The Comply with UK REACH service on GOV.UK will only accept dossiers that are compiled using IUCLID 6.


If your dossiers are in an older format you will need to convert them as per the guidance on the IUCLID website.



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