Tuesday, April 27, 2021

GAIN Reports from Monday, April 26, 2021

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The following Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports were released on Monday, April 26, 2021.


European Union: EU Transparency Regulation Enters Into Force

On March 27, 2021, the EU's Transparency Regulation (2019/1381) went into force. The Regulation intends to enhance transparency of risk assessment in the food chain by increasing the independence of scientific studies, strengthening the governance of the European Food Safety Authority, and developing comprehensive risk communication. This Regulation amends the General Food Law and impacts eight sectoral legislative acts across the agri-food industry. To improve transparency, the Regulation also allows the public disclosure of scientific information and studies early in the risk assessment process, a significant confidential business information concern of U.S. companies registering products in the EU.


Japan: Japan Lifted Aflatoxin Inspection Order on Walnuts

On April 1, 2021, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) suspended a mandatory aflatoxin inspection regime imposed on walnuts from the United States and other exporting countries. The suspension marks the first time Japan lifted a 100 percent inspection requirement for aflatoxinvulnerable imports since 2004 when the current monitoring plan was implemented. In 2020, the United States exported $114 million of walnuts to Japan.


Netherlands: Dutch Wood Pellet Imports Reach New High

In 2020, Dutch wood pellet imports reached a new high, totaling $511 million. The United States was the leading non-European Union (EU) supplier to the Netherlands. Wood pellet-generated energy is estimated to have accounted for approximately ten percent of total Dutch renewable energy use last year. In the future, the Dutch government will place more emphasis on the use of biomass for higher value applications. Currently the government is in the process of implementing the EU's second Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) in Dutch Law, and is planning to add socio-economic criteria to the sustainability criteria of the REDII.


Peru: Sugar Annual

Sugar cane production in marketing year (MY) 2021 is forecast at 11.34 million metric tons (MMT), increasing two percent from the MY 2021 estimate. Cane sugar production for MY 2021 is forecast at 1.3 MMT, an increase of nearly three percent over the previous year. Peruvian sugar exports for MY 2021 are forecast at 120,000 metric tons.


Russia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

On March 27, 2020, Russia's Minister of Agriculture signed Order #160 "On approval of Methodological Guidance for conducting assessments (studies) of the biological safety of genetically engineered/modified organisms used for production of animal feed and feed additives." The guidelines became effective on April 26, 2020 and establish a process for registering genetically engineered (GE) events for feed use, making it possible for those events to be imported after registration. The existing mechanism for registration of GE products for food use is still in effect. Per Federal Law No. 358-FZ of July 3, 2016, Russia continues to ban cultivating and breeding GE plants and animals in the Russian Federation.


Russia: Russia Wine Market Overview

In 2019, Russia was the world's ninth largest importer of wine in both volume and value. However, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture is focused on making wine production one of the key branches of agriculture in the country. While domestic wine production is growing, so have wine imports. In 2020, an increase in excise taxes, a decrease in real incomes, and the restrictions on the food service sector due to COVID-19 led to a 10 percent drop in wine sales compared to 2019. The new 'Federal law on viticulture and wine-making in the Russian Federation,' aims to support domestic wine producers by reducing the amount of counterfeit wine sold, under the guise of Russian wine, support domestic producers, and introduce a number of new regulations that could potentially impact the largest bulk wine suppliers in the Russian Federation.


Senegal: Grain and Feed Annual

Marketing year (MY) 2021/22 area harvested for rice in Senegal, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Mali is expected to increase about 9 percent to 3.35 million HA as movement restrictions are eased in Guinea, planted area rebounds from flooding, and financing and input access for farmers increases. MY 2021/22 rice production is forecast at 5.04 MMT, 8.4 percent higher than the previous year assuming good rainfall and low pest pressure. MY 2020/21 area is estimated to decrease 7 percent from the previous year to 3.07 million HA due to movement restrictions in Guinea and Mali, closed borders in Guinea, and flooding in Mali. MY 2020/21 production is estimated to decrease 3.5 percent to 4.65 MMT due to a labor shortage in Guinea and excess rains in Mali that reduced yield. MY 2021/22 and MY 2020/21 rice imports are estimated at 3.06 MMT and 2.98 MMT respectively based on population growth, increased consumption, and expectations of competitive international prices.


Spain: Spanish Cheese Exports May Rebound in 2021

In 2020, Spanish dairy industry sector continued to increase milk production and efficiency despite the COVID-19 pandemic and lower dairy consumption due to the closure of the hospitality sector. Conversely, Spanish household dairy consumption rose sharply and may continue to rise in 2021. As a result of the pandemic, the Spanish cheese sector faced difficulties marketing gourmet cheeses domestically and in export markets. The Spanish dairy industry expects Spanish cheese exports to rebound in 2021 following the March 2021 announcement temporarily suspending tariffs related to the U.S. – EU WTO aircraft case. Anticipating a domestic and global recovery of the hospitality sector in 2021, total Spanish dairy exports may continue trending upward.


Sri Lanka: Success Story - Potential Detention at Port of Thousands of US Day-Old-Chicks Resolved

FAS Colombo\New Delhi and APHIS New Delhi engaged with the Sri Lanka Department of Animal Production and Health, clarifying the current situation of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) following a reported outbreak in a backyard layer flock in Webster County, Missouri on November 7, 2020. Post's timely intervention and negotiations averted the potential rejection and loss of a roughly 7,500 live bird shipment from the U.S. valued at about $156,000. Post similarly intervened in January 2021 in the case of a 46,000 live bird stock shipment.


For more information, or for an archive of all FAS GAIN reports, please visit gain.fas.usda.gov/.


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