Tuesday, April 20, 2021

GAIN Reports from Monday, April 19, 2021

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The following Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports were released on Monday, April 19, 2021.


Canada: Market Access Compensation Details for Poultry and Egg Farmers

Long-awaited details on compensation for trade agreement market access concessions include an on-farm investment program for poultry and egg farmers as well as a domestic market development program for the turkey and chicken sectors. The overall compensation amounts to $515 million USD over ten years.​


Colombia: Colombia Decreases Ethanol Blend Mandate from E10 to E4

On March 31, 2021, the Government of Colombia (GOC) issued a joint resolution to decrease the ethanol blend mandate from 10 percent (E10) to 4 percent (E4) starting on April 1, 2021. The measure establishes that the mandatory blend rate will gradually return to E10 in September 2021. The measure attributes the blend mandate change to inclement weather that impacted domestic production as early as January 2021. It also attributes this change to increasing U.S. ethanol prices that discouraged imports.


Egypt: Food Processing Ingredients

Egypt's food and beverage manufacturing and processing sector suffered about $2.2 million (about a 10 percent decrease in sales) due to diminished tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Egypt imported about $5.8 billion worth of food and beverage ingredients and additives in 2020. This is about an 18 percent decrease from the 2019 import value of $7.2 billion. The United States was Egypt's seventh largest supplier with $225.4 million in sales accounting for about five percent of total market share. This is about a 74 percent increase from 2019 exports value of about $129.3 million. Egypt prioritizes food and beverage ingredients and additives imports, as well as food and beverage production inputs requiring further processing; these benefit from low to no tariff duties compared to finished products. U.S. food and beverage ingredients and additives exports to Egypt face competition from European and South American suppliers.


India: India Confirms Prunes Not Subject to the non-Genetically Modified cum Genetically-Modified-Free Status Certificate Requirement

FAS New Delhi (Post) secured confirmation from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India that prunes from plums (Prunus domestica) are a processed food product (dried fruit), and as such are not subject to the non-Genetically Modified (GM) cum GM-Free status certificate requirement. Industry's concerns for clarification necessitated post's outreach. U.S.-origin prune exports to India reached nearly $4 million in 2020.


India: FSSAI Publishes Corrections to Nutrients Levels in the Final Foods for Infant Nutrition Regulations of 2020

On April 5, 2021, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India published corrections to its final Food Safety and Standards (Foods for Infant Nutrition) Regulations (2020). The corrections published in comparison with the final regulation of December 14, 2020, pertain to pages 47, 54, 57, 58, and 64. This GAIN-FAIRS report provides a copy of the FSSAI published corrigenda (dated March 31, 2020), as well as a hyperlink to the full text of the FSSAI notification.


Jamaica: Sugar Annual

Jamaican total sugar production for MY 2020/2021 was 43,946 MT, a decrease from 60,000 MT produced in MY 2019/2020. As sugar production in Jamaica continues to decline, Post projects approximately 42,000 MT will be produced in MY 2021/2022. High input costs, antiquated machinery, and labor issues are some of the factors that account for declining sugar production in recent years. Despite the reduced production, Post expects Jamaica to meet its tariff rate quota to the United States and satisfy local and regional market demands in MY 2021/2022.


Japan: Summary of Japan's Dairy Quota System

Most dairy product imports into Japan are conducted through government tariff-rate quotas (TRQs). This report provides a summary of how these TRQs are operated for a wide range of dairy products included skimmed milk powder, butter, whey, and others. This report features TRQs available to all World Trade Organization trading partners as well as those exclusive to Japan's preferential trade agreements.


Japan: TRQ Allocation Rates for FTAs in JFY 2020

Since 2018, Japan has implemented three large-scale free trade agreements (FTA) with major economies: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the Japan-EU EPA, and the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA). Under the three agreements, Japan created tariff-rate-quotas (TRQs) for a selection of agricultural commodities and products. This report provides the full list of TRQs and country specific quotas (CSQs) from these three agreements and their respective allocation rates for Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2020. During JFY 2020, the number of TRQs/CSQs which had allocations across the three agreements ranged from 44 to 70 percent.


Mexico: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Oilseed production is expected to rebound in marketing year (MY) 2021/22, as high international prices should encourage farmers to increase their soybean planted area. However, the elimination of federal commercialization support programs for medium and large oilseeds growers continues to generate uncertainty regarding planting intentions for the upcoming year. Mexico's oilseed crushing is forecast to increase with the expected economic recovery after the severe economic turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic. The poultry and livestock sectors are expected to continue their modest growth into 2021, increasing demand for oilseed meals used in feed.


Peru: US Pulse Exports to Peru Up Significantly in 2020

In 2020, Peru ranked as the eighth largest destination for U.S. pulses in terms of both volume and value as the COVID-19 pandemic drove domestic demand higher, boosted by consumers' focus on a healthier, more economic, and balanced diet. Peru's imports of U.S. pulses in calendar year 2020 were up 61 percent by volume and 79 percent by value, reaching exports of 51,259 metric tons valued at $33.3 million. The United States continues to be the second largest supplier for Peru's pulse imports.


Spain: How COVID-19 is Changing Consumer Behavior

One year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Spanish consumers continue to adjust many aspects of their lives including the way they shop for food. The long-awaited rise of Ecommerce, more thoughtful spending, lower shopping frequency, and increased preference for nearby stores are some of the obvious and immediate effects. In addition, consumer demographics will continue to impact consumer behavior in the longer term. The food industry and retailers continue to adapt to meet consumer changing needs and preferences.


Tanzania: Grain and Feed Annual

MY 2021/22 wheat production is expected to decrease by 22.2 percent to 70,000 MT, while consumption is projected to increase by 2.9 percent to 1.2 million MT. Tanzania is expected to continue its absolute quota on wheat imports, and U.S. wheat imports are not anticipated this year. MY 2021/22 rice production is expected to increase by 13.6 percent to 2.4 million MT on a milled basis. MY 2021/22 rice imports are expected to drop by 27.7 percent to 130,000 MT due to an increase in local production and ongoing imports restrictions. MY 2021/22 corn production and harvest area are estimated to drop by 4.7 and 2.4 percent to 6 million MT and 4.1 million hectares, respectively, largely due to unfavorable planting conditions.


Ukraine: Ukraine Adopts a New Veterinary Law

The New Law of Ukraine On Veterinary Medicine was adopted by Ukraine and went into power on March 21, 2021. It is the cornerstone law that defines and distributes regulatory power among different Ukrainian government authorities. It regulates animal health and wellbeing, veterinary practices, production, use of veterinary preparations, and turnover of products of animal origin. The Law has been adopted as part of Ukraine's EU approximation effort.


For more information, or for an archive of all FAS GAIN reports, please visit gain.fas.usda.gov/.


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