Sunday, April 11, 2021

Do You Want to Have an EPIC SUMMER? These Routines Can Help!

Hey reader!

It may only be April, but we've always got Summer on the brain. 😎

And we always start planning way in advance.

We're not just referring to vacation plans, but our fitness plans, too!

Let's face it.

Many of us start the year off with healthy resolutions.

But... they tend to fizzle out after a few weeks. 😒

It happens to the best of us.

But think about how you want to look and feel this Summer!

It's still several weeks away, but the sooner you start, the better off you will be.

You can change A LOT in a month or two! 💪

NOW is the Time to Get Ready for Summer!

Do you have any Summer adventures or beach vacays planned? 👙

From hiking to kayaking, or biking to swimming-- you're going to need energy! 🚴‍♀️

The workouts below will help you feel your best!

Plus, they'll ensure you look great no matter what you're doing! 😃

Not only will this routine provide you with a strong lower body to climb mountains this Summer, but it will also make your bottom look G-R-E-A-T in your cut-off shorts!

We shared this one not too long ago, but we're sharing it again for obvious reasons! This summer legs challenge is great for building strength and toning your legs from your butt to your toes!

Summer is the season of bikinis and crop tops. The exercises you will find here can help you slim down, tone-up, and get in excellent, flat belly shape for Summer.

Think about all of the Summer activities that involve your arms: kayaking, swimming, rock climbing, tennis, beach volleyball-- the list could go on! What we're getting at is, having a strong back and arms will make you the one to beat this Summer!

Do you carry extra weight around your hips? If so, this is the routine for you. That extra weight can slow you down and make wearing certain clothes uncomfortable. Performing these moves regularly will help you tighten up!

Perform any or all of these routines over the next few weeks.

Be sure to stick to a healthy diet, too! We have plenty of recipes for you!

Come Summer, you'll be ready to tackle any activity! (Even if you're just chilling poolside… 😉)


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