Tuesday, April 20, 2021

2020 Census Data Review

For the 2020 Census, we are conducting one of the most comprehensive reviews in recent census history.

2020 Census Data Review

2020 Census Data Review

By Jason Devine, Assistant Division Chief for Census Programs, Population Division; Roberto Ramirez, Assistant Division Chief for Special Population Statistics, Population Division; Jonathan Spader, Assistant Division Chief for Housing Characteristics, Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division; and Ryan King, Mathematical Statistician, Decennial Statistical Studies Division

Many parts of the census are visible to the American people — the invitations and reminders to participate arriving in the mail, the multilingual advertisements, the outreach from community leaders, and census takers knocking on doors to collect responses.

Today, we'll continue to talk about some of the less visible work that is no less essential to producing quality census results — the people doing the number crunching and poring over trends, maps and outliers to make sure that the raw data on our population become quality statistics.

For the 2020 Census, we are conducting one of the most comprehensive reviews in recent census history. Through this review we have identified and fixed data processing issues, made efforts to correct for data collection issues, and have started to develop an understanding of how the nation's population has changed over the last decade.

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Gray Divider

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