Wednesday, July 20, 2022

USDA Renews Charter for National Organic Standards Board

The NOSB is a critical voice for the organic community
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service national organic program organic insider

USDA Renews Charter for
National Organic Standards Board 

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) plays a critical role in advising USDA on the implementation of the Organic Foods Production Act. To facilitate this work, the USDA reviews and renews the NOSB Charter every two years. The 2022 NOSB Charter update process is now complete, and the new version is posted on the AMS website. This revised Charter will expire on July 7, 2024.

The 2022 NOSB Charter includes a change from previous charters. Four seats have been re-designated from being Representatives to being Special Government Employees (SGEs). This reflects language in the Organic Foods Production Act specific to those seats, which refers to the need for members to have "expertise" in specific areas.

The four re-designated seats include the three individuals with expertise in areas of environmental protection and resource conservation; and the one individual with expertise in the field of toxicology, ecology, or biochemistry. The transition to this designation will be accomplished either voluntarily by current members, or as terms expire and new members are appointed to these seats.

View the 2022 NOSB Charter

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